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Displaying posts with tag: mha helper (reset)
Extend MySQL Master HA (MHA) capabilities with MHA Helper

I have used many tools starting with MMM to be able to manage MySQL replication clusters. Some of the tools need more tools and complex HA solutions such as Pacemaker and Corosync, or Zookeeper. While other tools do not do the failover well which leaves the slaves in an inconsistent state, MMM would be an example. And I must say that of all the tools I love MySQL Master HA (MHA) the most. MHA is a great tool to manage MySQL replication clusters for the purpose of HA. The most important thing about MHA is that it tries to take all the necessary steps to do a MySQL master failover in a way that provides as much data consistency as possible. The slave promotion also tends to be very quick, on average I have seen it take 10 to 15 seconds. It is also very easy to deploy unlike some of the other complex HA solutions. I would highly recommend reading about the architecture of MHA on its wiki: Why …

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