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MySQL QA Episode 11: Valgrind Testing: Pro’s, Con’s, Why and How

Today’s episode is all about Valgrind – from the pro’s to the con’s, from the why to the how! This episode will be of interest to anyone who is or wants to work with Valgrind on a regular or semi-regular basis.

  1. Pro’s/Why
  2. Con’s
  3. How
    1. Using the latest version
      sudo [yum/apt-get] install valgrind
      sudo [yum/apt-get] remove valgrind
      sudo [yum/apt-get] install bzip2 glibc*
      tar -xf valgrind-3.10.1.tar.bz2; cd valgrind-3.10.1
      ./configure; make; sudo make install
      valgrind –version # This should now read 3.10.1
    2. VGDB (cd ./mysql-test)
      ./lib/v1/ –start-and-exit –valgrind –valgrind-option=”–leak-check=yes”
      –valgrind-option=”–vgdb=yes” …
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