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Displaying posts with tag: galera load balancer (reset)
Seamless failover with Galera Load Balancer

Continuing on from Setting up Galera Load Balancer (GLB), wouldn’t it be nice to ensure that Galera Load Balancer (GLB) handles failover, seamlessly?

        Address       :   weight   usage    map  conns  :    1.000   0.500    N/A      1  :    1.000   0.500    N/A      1  :    1.000   0.000    N/A      0
Destinations: 3, total connections: 2 of 493 max

Pool: connections per thread:     1     1     0     0     0     0

Here is an example of a Galera Load Balancer (GLB) handling 3 backend MySQL servers, and it currently has 2 connections, evenly distributed between 2 hosts.

We can verify this by doing: select @@hostname; which shows:

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Setting up Galera Load Balancer (GLB)

Galera Load Balancer (GLB) is a scalable and performant, yet easy to use TCP/IP connection balancing proxy. It is the oldest, yet actively maintained load balancer in the MySQL ecosystem, with a wide array of customers using it in production.

Firstly, please request for binaries via contacting Once you have access to the package repository, you’ll have access to RPMs. Installing the RPMs are straightforward, and you can also add it to your Yum repository. This blog presumes you already have access to the binaries.

You can start it up, really simply:

glbd --threads 6 …
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Codership releases Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition

The Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition

Codership is pleased to announce the Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition.

Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition consists of an enhanced Galera Cluster serverGalera Manager and Galera Load Balancer.


The enhanced Galera Cluster Server includes

1) A new Online Schema Upgrade method called Non Blocking Operations (NBO), adds more high availability to your cluster while performing schema changes.

    • Schema changes made on all cluster nodes in the same total order sequence, with much more efficient locking compared to the Total Order Isolation (TOI) method.
    • SET GLOBAL wsrep_OSU_method='NBO'

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Benchmark of Load Balancers for MySQL/MariaDB Galera Cluster

October 31, 2014 By Severalnines

When running a MariaDB Cluster or Percona XtraDB Cluster, it is common to use a load balancer to distribute client requests across multiple database nodes. Load balancing SQL requests aims to optimize the usage of the database nodes, maximize throughput, minimize response times and avoid overload of the Galera nodes. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at four different open source load balancers, and do a quick benchmark to compare performance:

  • HAproxy by HAproxy Technologies
  • IPVS by Linux Virtual Server Project
  • Galera Load Balancer by Codership
  • mysqlproxy by Oracle (alpha)

Note that there are other options out there, e.g. MaxScale from the MariaDB team, that we plan to cover in a future post.

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