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Displaying posts with tag: Galera Cluster for MyQL (reset)
Galera Cluster works on Oracle Linux

We recently had a customer request to run Galera Cluster on Oracle Linux. We are pleased to tell you that you can use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 repositories: for the latest Galera Cluster with MySQL 8 and the wsrep library.

It is worth noting that while it is difficult to find an Oracle Linux image in many cloud providers, there is Oracle Cloud that offers Oracle Linux as a default. However, remember that if you are using Oracle Cloud, you still have to configure the firewalls, etc. to ensure that Galera network traffic can still pass between the nodes.

If using Oracle Cloud, we picked this image: Oracle-Linux-8.9-2024.05.29-0.

uname -a
Linux instance-20240611-1345 5.15.0-206.153.7.el8uek.x86_64 #2 SMP …
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Upgrading your Galera Cluster from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

Recently we had a question on getting your Galera Cluster upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. While we have plenty of extensive documentation on Upgrading Galera Cluster, this blog covers the Linux example for a rolling major upgrade (the procedure is documented, but this is more extensive). So we will describe going from MySQL 5.7.23 to MySQL 8.0.28 on one node. We did this on CentOS 7.

Firstly, let’s start by disabling SELinux by executing setenforce 0.

We need to install the appropriate MySQL 5.7 binaries, so we can grab them from Since we have decided on MySQL 5.7.23, we should get the packages from …

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Seamless failover with Galera Load Balancer

Continuing on from Setting up Galera Load Balancer (GLB), wouldn’t it be nice to ensure that Galera Load Balancer (GLB) handles failover, seamlessly?

        Address       :   weight   usage    map  conns  :    1.000   0.500    N/A      1  :    1.000   0.500    N/A      1  :    1.000   0.000    N/A      0
Destinations: 3, total connections: 2 of 493 max

Pool: connections per thread:     1     1     0     0     0     0

Here is an example of a Galera Load Balancer (GLB) handling 3 backend MySQL servers, and it currently has 2 connections, evenly distributed between 2 hosts.

We can verify this by doing: select @@hostname; which shows:

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Setting up Galera Load Balancer (GLB)

Galera Load Balancer (GLB) is a scalable and performant, yet easy to use TCP/IP connection balancing proxy. It is the oldest, yet actively maintained load balancer in the MySQL ecosystem, with a wide array of customers using it in production.

Firstly, please request for binaries via contacting Once you have access to the package repository, you’ll have access to RPMs. Installing the RPMs are straightforward, and you can also add it to your Yum repository. This blog presumes you already have access to the binaries.

You can start it up, really simply:

glbd --threads 6 …
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Video tutorial: Installing Galera Manager to Deploy a Galera Cluster in Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 15 minutes

This video tutorial describes how to install Galera Manager in 15 minutes while also deploying a Galera Cluster in Amazon Web Services (AWS), all in an automated fashion!



Galera Manager deploying on AWS with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and MySQL 8

Since we just released Galera Manager, it seemed like a good idea to do a deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and MySQL 8.

We start by launching an EC2 instance and choosing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (HVM) and most importantly, we only choose the 64-bit (x86) architecture as we do not support ARM just yet. We choose a t2.micro instance for Galera Manager since this is just a test instance, but it is well worth knowing that 10GB which is the default EBS size may be a little small if you plan on using this for sometime.

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Codership Releases Galera Manager to easily deploy and manage Galera Clusters on premise and in Amazon Web Services

Codership, the leading MySQL High Availability clustering solutions company behind Galera Cluster, is pleased to announce the general availability of Galera Manager, a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) tool to easily deploy and manage your Galera Clusters. With today’s release, you can now create fully managed clusters in Amazon Web Services, you can also deploy clusters on user provided hosts (on premise or in the cloud) and you can also fully monitor your existing clusters.

We now have the concept of a managed node (your typical MySQL instance) and managed host (your typical Linux instance) which you use to deploy Galera Cluster in Amazon EC2, a managed node and a monitored host for user provided hosts (on premise or …

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