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Displaying posts with tag: binlog_format (reset)
Is MySQL Statement-Based / Mixed Replication Really Safe?

The binary logging format in MySQL has been ROW by default since MySQL 5.7, yet there are still many users sticking with STATEMENT or MIXED formats for various reasons. In some cases, there is just simple hesitation from changing something that has worked for years on legacy applications. But in others, there may be serious blockers, most typically missing primary keys in badly designed schemas, which would lead to serious performance issues on the replicas.

As a Support Engineer, I can still see quite a few customers using STATEMENT or MIXED formats, even if they are already on MySQL 8.0. In many cases this is OK, but recently I had to deal with a pretty nasty case, where not using ROW format was found to cause the replicas to silently lose data updates, without raising any replication errors! Was it some really …

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MySQL to Galera Cluster Migration, Deadlock, Back to basics

This post is a lab experiment learning from migration to the Percona Xtradb Cluster (Galera) and a very unexpected DEADLOCK scenario which took me back to basics. (root@localhost) [test]>insert into…

The post MySQL to Galera Cluster Migration, Deadlock, Back to basics first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

pt-online-schema-change and binlog_format

Statement-based or row-based, or mixed?  We’ve all seen this discussed at length so I’m not trying to rehash tired arguments.  At a high level, the difference is simple:

  1. Statement based replication (SBR) replicates the SQL statements to the slave to be replayed
  2. Row based replication (RBR) replicates the actual rows changed to the slave to be replayed
  3. Mixed mode uses RBR in the event of a non-deterministic statement, otherwise uses SBR

Recently, I worked with a client to optimize their use of pt-online-schema-change and keep replication delay to a minimum.  We found that using RBR in conjunction with a smaller chunk-time was the best result in their environment due to reduced IO on the slave, but I wanted to recreate the test locally as well to see how it looked in the generic sense (sysbench for data/load).

Here was my local setup:

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