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Displaying posts with tag: ntp (reset)
OpenVZ and Amazon S3: how to solve the dreaded connection throttle failure

Sometimes we encounter odd application responses that seem to make no sense. One of these such issues is related to running virtual server instances (OS Containers not Para-Virtualized VMs) and attempting to back up their data to Amazon’s S3 cloud storage. For moderately sized virtual machines running MySQL databases or Python/PHP based websites and code repositories this can be an inexpensive, quickly provisioned, and easy way to provide disaster recovery backups in numerous geographic locations, since we generally want DR content to be located in a physically distant location. Nevertheless, we can encounter errors if using an S3 mount in a distance location from our server if the timezone/sync data is incorrect.

The commonly seen error is as follows – and it doesn’t give much information for troubleshooting and resolution.

WARNING: Upload failed:  ([Errno 32] Broken pipe)
WARNING: Retrying on lower speed (throttle=0.00) …
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The 2012 Leap Second on Linux

Sheeri K. Cabral at the Mozilla Foundation wrote about an issue with the June 30th 2012 leap second affecting at least MySQL, Java and Minecraft servers. It now appears that the underlying cause is a Linux kernel bug, as noted by John Stultz (IBM) on the Linux Kernel mailing list, and the team Sheeri is part of deserves due credit for doing awesome pattern recognition and being the first to bring it to public attention, enabling people to quickly correlate their own experience with that of others and finding a practical solution as well as helping figure out the cause.

Sheeri’s original post MySQL and the Leap Second, High CPU and the Fix describes how MySQL servers would suddenly exhibit high CPU usage during a period of low load. …

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