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Displaying posts with tag: global (reset)
Deep Dive into GTIDs and MySQL 5.6 - What, Why and How

Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) are one of the key replication enhancements in MySQL 5.6. GTIDs make it simple to track and compare replication across a master - slave topology. This enables:

- Much simpler recovery from failures of the master,

- Introduces great flexibility in the provisioning and on-going management of multi-tier or ring (circular) replication topologies.

A new on-demand MySQL 5.6 GTID webinar delivered by the replication engineering team is now available, providing deep insight into the design and implementation of GTIDs, and how they enable users to simplify MySQL scaling and HA. The webinar covers:

- Concepts: What is a GTID? How does the …

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Meet the MySQL Experts Podcast: MySQL Replication Global Transaction Identifiers & HA Utilities

In the latest episode of our “Meet The MySQL Experts” podcast, Luis Soares, Engineering Manager of MySQL Replication discusses the new Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) that are part of the latest MySQL 5.6 Development Release. We are also joined by Chuck Bell who discusses how the new MySQL HA utilities use GTIDs to create a self-healing replication topology.

In the podcast, we cover how GTIDs and the HA utilities are implemented, how they are configured and considerations for their use.

You can also learn more from Luis’ blog on GTIDs in MySQL 5.6 and Chuck’s …

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