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Displaying posts with tag: compile (reset)
For the brave: compiling Workbench 6.3 using Visual Studio 2013 on Windows

Compiling MySQL Workbench yourself is quite a common task for Linux users, even though the application is available precompiled for certain platforms ready from our download page and available in our yum and apt repositories. In this blog post we show you how to compile it on Windows.


Doing a build on Windows is a totally different matter and most users never need to do that. It’s mostly intersting for those wanting own functionality or just being curious. But you should be an experienced Visual Studio user. It’s a complicated task and not a good start for a beginner. The key problem when building on Windows is that we cannot ship any 3rd party library we used. Instead you have to collect them all yourself. In order to ease that task we created the list below. Each library comes with a version number which usually specifies the minimum version to be used. Most of the time it’s not mandatory to use the exact …

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Compiling & Debugging MariaDB(and MySQL) in Eclipse from scratch - Part 5: "Profiling in Eclipse with OProfile"

Section 6: "Profile a real case" 6.1 INTRODUCTION

Profiling & Debugging is an argument that would require an entire book, the aim of this(and the others) posts of this series is to give you the basic knowledge on how to work with these tools and techniques withing Eclipse. For instance if you want to learn to profile with OProfile you should study on the abundant and separate resources, you may start from:


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Compiling & Debugging MariaDB(and MySQL) in Eclipse from scratch - Part 4: "Profiling in Eclipse - Preparation"

Section 5: "Prepare Eclipse for profiling" 5.1 INTRODUCTION

In this part we will prepare Eclipse to profile our recently compiled(see Part 3) MariaDB(or MySQL).
Profiling means basically measuring where the time is spent by the application.
You may be interested in knowing how much time is spent in a specific function execution,
or you may want to know statistics about the dustribution of function calls, that is operating a data aggregation.

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Compiling & Debugging MariaDB(and MySQL) in Eclipse from scratch - Part 3: "Running in Eclipse"


To run MariaDB from Eclipse we will actually create and install the tar.gz package resulting from compilation(See Part 2) in a separate directory, this will allow us to have MariaDB cleanly installed on a separate location and so it will be also easily possible to run it independently from Eclipse.

In these Blog posts series we assume:

yoda                                                    as developer user

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Compiling & Debugging MariaDB(and MySQL) in Eclipse from scratch - Part 2: "Compile in Eclipse"


2.1 Download and prepare sources folder/>

We will need a directory to use as our playground, if you create the user yoda in Section 1:

$ su - yoda
$ mkdir -p ~/playground

Download latest MariaDB 10 sources tar.gz and copy the archive into the above directory, you can latest sources from:

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Compiling & Debugging MariaDB(and MySQL) in Eclipse from scratch - Part 1: "Setup the building environment"

This guide will help you in compiling and debugging MariaDB (MySQL, Percona) within the Eclipse IDE on Linux and using cmake for source project preparation. It will be split in parts to keep each post lightweight and with a finite objective. At the end of reading this series of blog posts you should be able to:

  1. Prepare for compilation any MariaDB (MySQL, Percona) source release based on cmake framework.

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Packages to get MariaDB and tests up and running


It’s often pain to guess package names when you need to install stuff on, lets say, CentOS. So there is a list, although maybe not full, of what I needed to get another VM build and run MariaDB server and to execute at least some tests on it (all done via yum install):


Same in one line, for lazy me:
sudo yum install cmake gcc ncurses-devel bison g++ gcc-c++ perl-DBD-MySQL gdb libaio-devel openssl-devel

To install bzr (if it’s not in the official repo):

su -c ‘rpm -Uvh’
(check the architecture)

and then can use yum install

Another story (taken …

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How to produce a full stack trace for mysqld

The information here was adapted from the AskMonty Knowledgebase.

There are two main parts to MariaDB and MySQL: The mysqld server and whatever client you use to interact with the server. The server is absolutely essential and must remain up and running. mysqld is normally very reliable, but there are rare occasions when it will fail. When mysqld fails hard (or core dump) it will, by default, write a stack trace in the 'hostname'.err file in the database directory. However, in some cases this is not enough to find out exactly what happened.

If you ever run into a situation where mysqld crashes and the 'hostname'.err file does not contain enough information for your DBA or support provider to diagnose the problem, you may need to use what is known as a "debug" build to produce a "full stack trace" and a core file. …

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