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Displaying posts with tag: sel_restore_position_for_mysql (reset)
Nasty Regression Bug Seems Fixed in 5.5.18

For those who saw my previous post about the crashing (regression) bug with SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT) on InnoDB with Primary Key (PK), you’ll be interested to know my test case does not crash in 5.5.18 (which was just released).

I’ve only tested my test case thus far, but it seems fine.

Unfortunately, the fix is not mentioned in the 5.5.18 changelogs though.

And there is no mention (yet, anyway) of a fix in the bug report I filed (though it was designated a ‘duplicate’, so it wouldn’t necessarily be updated).

I’m trying to get confirmation from the MySQL Dev Team on this (via the bug report), and will update this post if/when I hear anything.

I’ll also perform some of the …

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Nasty Regression Bug: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT) crashes InnoDB when WHERE operand is in Primary Key or Unique Index

In 5.5, a crashing, regression bug exists if you use SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT) *and* one of the WHERE operands is in the Primary Key (or just a unique index).

This simple crash (if only one row is in the table) will crash mysqld.

Of course I’ve filed a bug report, but that has been nearly 3 months and no updates yet.

Here is the bug I filed (which you won’t be able to view):

Really, the only thing that happened to my bug report was that it was designated a duplicate of another bug (which we also cannot view):

Based on the id, and the submitted dates of bugs 61100 and 61102, this initial bug (61101) was filed on May 9, 2011. So, in fact, this bug has been present for over …

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