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Displaying posts with tag: early (reset)
Early Bird Registration Rate for MySQL Connect Ends on July 27

If you haven't already registered for MySQL Connect, now is the time to do it.

Looking for the right reason to attend? Here are the TOP THREE REASONS...

  • You'll get the chance to hear directly from users including PayPal, Verizon, Twitter, Facebook, Ticketmaster, Ning, Mozilla, CERN, Yahoo! and more, about best practices for deploying MySQL based solutions.
  • Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet the engineers developing and supporting the MySQL products, all in a single location. You'll be able to ask them all your questions and provide them feedback.
  • Acquire detailed knowledge about the latest …
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More New MySQL 5.6 Early Access Features

Last week was a banner week for MySQL at OSCON. We had many MySQL developers meeting with the MySQL community, conducting technical sessions, leading BOF sessions, working the exhibit hall, and confirming Oracle's leadership in the technical evolution of MySQL.  The highlight of the week was the unveiling of even more 5.6 early access InnoDB and Replication features that are now available for early adopters to download, evaluate and shape via  

InnoDB is one of MySQL's "crown jewels" and beginning in 5.5 is now the default storage engine.  The following 5.6 feature improvements are in direct response to community and customer feedback and requests.  The new 5.6 early access features include:

  • Full-text search
  • REDO log files max size extended to 2 TB
  • UNDO logs on their own tablespace …
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