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Displaying posts with tag: app (reset)
Developing a To-Do application using TDD approach using QUnit as the testing framework

I recently tried my hands at TDD to develop a basic ToDo app using QUnit as the testing framework.

Here is the link to the application demo.
I have written both unit and integration / functional tests while developing this app. The source code can be checked here.
To run and see the results of tests, refer below links:

Unit test results
Integration / Functional test …

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Intellectual property gone mad

Friday night, I tweeted a link to a Guardian article stating that app developers were withdrawing apps from Apple's app store and Google's Android market (and presumably also Amazon's app store), because they feared becoming victims of a patent trolling lawsuit. That tweet elicited some interesting responses that I'd like to discuss.

The insurance solution?

One option might be to rely on the insurance industry to solve the problem. "Isn't this what insurance is supposed to be for? Couldn't all these developers set up a fund for their common defense?" wrote @qckbrnfx. An interesting idea, and one I've considered. But that's a cure that seems worse than the disease. First, it's not likely to be a cure. How many insurance companies actually defend their …

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