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Displaying posts with tag: unit (reset)
Developing a To-Do application using TDD approach using QUnit as the testing framework

I recently tried my hands at TDD to develop a basic ToDo app using QUnit as the testing framework.

Here is the link to the application demo.
I have written both unit and integration / functional tests while developing this app. The source code can be checked here.
To run and see the results of tests, refer below links:

Unit test results
Integration / Functional test …

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Interesting article on importance of coding and testing

A very interesting article on testing and coding illustrating many simple tips, important points:

- why one should test and code
- what one should test
- how and what kind of testing one can provide
- what one should not test
- how important testing is
- and others

If you are new to testing, it is a good place to start. Overall as the title of the article says "Why and how testing can make you happier", so it is time to be happy :D

Interesting read it makes. Hope you enjoy it too as I have :)

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