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Displaying posts with tag: advantages (reset)
MySQL inline query versus stored procedure comparison

Simple query using group clause for 1 million records resulting in final list of 27 records.

First time takes 0.43053775 secs.
Same query through Stored procedure: First time takes 0.43341600 secs.

So in terms of time, first time they are very close.
Profiling comparison for both can be seen in below figure no_cache_comparison.png where left one is simple inline query and right one is stored procedure query.

There are some actions which are extra in the inline query:

1. freeing items
2. logging slow query
3. cleaning up

Running both second time retrieve data from cache …

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Understanding InnoDB clustered indexes

Some people don't probably know, but there is a difference between how indexes work in MyISAM and how they work in InnoDB, particularly when talking from the point of view of performance enhancement. Now since, InnoDB is starting to be widely used, it is important we understand how indexing works in InnoDB. Hence, the reason for this post!

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