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Displaying posts with tag: MS-Access (reset)
Converting MS Access to MySQL with relationships

I have used tools like MySQL Migration Toolkit (*) and Bullzip’s Access To MySQL utility, both do a excellent job but without relationships. We can spend a lot of hours to identifying and creating relationships until now:

I have write a VBA script to identify MS-Access relationships and create MySQL code with SQL-CREATE sentences, it will be useful after migration process using any free tool:

'Put this function in new/existing MS-Access module.
' Version History:
' 2014-02-09 - Seamus Casey
' a modification to Ivan's handy Access to MySQL relationship/constraint generator
' changes include:
'  1) skip Access system tables (TableDefAttributeEnum.dbSystemObjec)
'  2) add support for cascading updates/deletes
Public Sub printRelations()
    Dim sql, fk As String
    Dim I, J As Integer
    Dim db As Database
    Dim Table As TableDef
    Dim TableName As String
    ' grab a reference to this once, otherwise when we retrieve a table …
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A Certain Measure Of Innocence

Slowly getting there… The sign of eth is rising in the air!

The Sign Of Eth Is Rising In The Air

Brief pause of that Sudoku series :  I’m working on my object-relational mapping framework code-named Eth.

It’s vaguely similar to Glorp but much simpler and not as intelligent as Glorp.  This time, the resurrection of my framework is more like… a rewrite from scratch.  It all started on VAST, then I ported it to Dolphin then Squeak and now Pharo.  Hopefully, now I will spend more time writing it than porting it! Also, it will exclusively support Pharo.  I also decided to write some SUnit tests to make sure I can properly handle PostgreSQL, MySQL and Interbase for the first version.  But I am also planning on supporting SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Access and Firebird.  Eventually!

Besides, I’m also …

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