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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
MySQL Conference Agenda

Here's my tentative agenda for sessions I am interested in at the MySQL Conference:


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Some previous MySQL Confererence posts

Just for reference, here are some previous posts I did for the 2005 MySQL User Conference:

Not that these are particularly awesome or anything, but there are a few travels notes which may possibly be useful if you decide to go this year, since it's in the same location.

If you have the time, and you are from outside The Valley, catch …

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MySQL Conference & Expo 2007

Thanks to a gift from MySQL AB, I'll be attending the MySQL Conference & Expo 2007. I presented at the 2005 conference, and found the conference itself to be pretty educational. Plus the food is generally pretty good at the O'Reilly conferences. Of course the real reason people to conferences is for the swag. Now this year's PyCon had some pretty good swag; I got at least six free T-shirts and two Rubik's cubes. So top that.

FrOSCon 2007 Call for Papers now open!

I just stumbled over Sebastian's blog entry:

The second Free and Open Source Conference "FrOSCon" takes place on August, 25th and 26th 2007 in Sankt Augustin, near Bonn, Germany. The conference is once again hosted by the faculty of computer science of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in collaboration with the student body and the Linux/Unix User Group Sankt Augustin.

I attended FrOSCon last year and found it a very pleasant conference to be …

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FrOSCon 2007: Call for Papers

The second Free and Open Source Conference "FrOSCon" takes place on August, 25th and 26th 2007 in Sankt Augustin, near Bonn, Germany. The conference is once again hosted by the faculty of computer science of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in collaboration with the student body and the Linux/Unix User Group Sankt Augustin.

In a Call for Papers, the organizers ask for submission of contributions. A broad variety of topics concerning free and open source software is desired.

Contributions can be submitted in …

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Giving a lightning talk at FOSDEM: schedule now online

FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting will again take place in Brussels, Belgium on February, 24th & 25th. I went there last year and really had a great time. This year, I submitted a proposal for a lightning talk, which has been accepted! I've just been informed that the lightning talk schedule is now published. My talk "What's new at MySQL AB" will be on Saturday, at 17:00. I look forward to being there!

MySQL Conference & Expo Sessions and Tutorials now online

I just noticed that the schedules for the Sessions and Tutorials of our upcoming MySQL Conference & Expo (which takes place on April 23rd-26th in Santa Clara, California) is now online. The program looks very promising and I am particularly excited that some of the sessions that I have helped to arrange made it into the final program:

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Conference season is heating up again

It is really noticable that the summer is over now. While it was quite silent during the past few months, the last quarter of the year will be packed with conferences and events again.

And we will contribute our share to it, too: in addition to sending speakers to various upcoming events, MySQL will also host two European MySQL User conferences next week. The MySQL Northern Europe Customer Conference will take place in London (UK), on Tuesday, October 17th 2006. Two days later, the MySQL Central Europe Customer Conference will be held in Munich (Germany) on Thursday, October 19th 2006. Both are one-day events, with two tracks of talks in parallel. The sessions will be held by both MySQL employees as well as customers, talking about their experiences in using MySQL …

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Conference season is heating up again

It is really noticable that the summer is over now. While it was quite silent during the past few months, the last quarter of the year will be packed with conferences and events again.

And we will contribute our share to it, too: in addition to sending speakers to various upcoming events, MySQL will also host two European MySQL User conferences next week. The MySQL Northern Europe Customer Conference will take place in London (UK), on Tuesday, October 17th 2006. Two days later, the MySQL Central Europe Customer Conference will be held in Munich (Germany) on Thursday, October 19th 2006. Both are one-day events, with two tracks of talks in parallel. The sessions will be held by both MySQL employees as well as customers, talking about their experiences in using MySQL …

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Sessions about MySQL at the EuroOSCON 2006 conference

On September 18th-21st, the second EuroOSCON will take place in Brussels, Belgium. I probably won't make it to this year's conference, but I really enjoyed the event in Amsterdam last year.

The session grid contains a number of talks related to MySQL:

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