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Rails, Stored Procedures, Migrations, Mysql 5+ and … Trouble!

This is a tale about Ruby On Rails, custom stored procedures for MySql 5 and how Rails 1.2.3 is not only opinionated against stored procedures but also actually incompatible with creating and sometimes calling (mysql) stored procedures. The tales does not end with a truly happy ending but some “hacks” are mentioned that I have found useful.

The rails framework developers, being of the opinion that complexity is best located in the code and not in the database, does not advocate using stored procedures as a abstraction layer between the database and the application. Instead dynamic sql generated from RoR code is used. For typical application databases, this approach works very well indeed.

Examples where the traditional rails way of database thinking sometimes fails short are projects …

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MySQL Conference 2007 Calendar

As like many people in the MySQL community, I am looking at planning out my sessions at the upcoming conference. I have been waiting for an iCal file with the sessions to make it easier to plan and keep track of what sessions I am going to at the conference. Last year one was available, but have not seen one this year to date. I am guessing it may still be in development or overlooked, so I am making mine available for people to use.

I will probably be adding more detail to the calendar as I get a chance, but the majority of the session information should be there. I did a simple transform on the session details that was on the conference website and did a quick check to see that it was all matching.

You can download the

Managing MySQL the Slack Way: How Google Deploys New MySQL Servers
I'll be presenting about Slack (the open sourced tool kit we use for deployment software configuration) at the MySQL user's conference in Santa Clara in late April. The talk will focus on the interesting aspects of Slack as it relates to MySQL and should be fun. A DBA mate of mine is gonna present with me, so it should be a barrel of laughs.

Tags for this post: mysql conference mysqluc2007 mysql presentation

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MySQL Conference Agenda

Here's my tentative agenda for sessions I am interested in at the MySQL Conference:


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Comparison of table sync algorithms

I've been working on how to efficiently compare and synchronize data between two tables on different MySQL servers. I've also been working on a tool, sort of like rsync for database tables, which implements both algorithms. I profiled it to see how well the comparison algorithms work on real data. This article is about the results.

Log Buffer #38: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

The 38th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs, has been published on Padgraig O’Sullivan’s Padraig’s Blog. Don’t forget, Log Buffer uses a distributed editorship. It needs your perspectives, so if you want to try your hand at editing and publishing an edition, please read the Log Buffer homepage for more [...]

PHP: Handling MySQL replication failure gracefully - Part 2

The first version of this code failed to work on 5.1 so here is a version that does:

$result = mysql_query("show slave status;");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if( ($row['Slave_IO_Running']!='Yes') || ($row['Slave_SQL_Running']!='Yes') )
$fp = fopen('tmp/halt', 'w+');
header('Location: index.php');

Remember to add something like:

if(file_exists('tmp/halt')) exit('Unable to complete request at this time');

at the start of your app execution so as to stop users entering data that can cause all kinds of living nightmares when it comes to patching the data together.
Copyright 2006-2008 Andrew Rose [] []

style="design: prettier"

i finally got tired of the index pages on the mysql mailing lists looking like ezmlm-cgi, so i cribbed some design from the perl mailing lists and now the by-thread index pages include who participated in a thread. i didn?t steal the pagination of busy months. yet.

i need to package up more of the bits of code driving the mysql mailing lists. there are some quirks, but i like the way it all fits together.

i also need to put in the few hours it would take to make it possible to post to the lists from the web interface.

Comparison of table sync algorithms

I’ve been working on how to efficiently compare and synchronize data between two tables on different MySQL servers. I’ve also been working on a tool, sort of like rsync for database tables, which implements both algorithms. I profiled it to see how well the comparison algorithms work on real data. This article is about the results. The data and profiling results I used a sample of real data from a production database.

Meet me at MySQL Santa Clara

Dear Kettle fan,

Next month, the MySQL Conference & Expo 2007 takes place in Santa Clara. I was invited to do 2 talks over there:

For a complete overview of all the great sessions that will take place, go here.

Feel free to join us for a Birds of a feather session on Tuesday evening, right after my talk. Joining me there are …

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