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Displaying posts with tag: /mysql/conference/mysqluc2007 (reset)
Managing MySQL the Slack Way: How Google Deploys New MySQL Servers

Thanks to everyone who came along to Grant and my talk this morning about slack and how we bootstrap MySQL servers. Here is the slide deck as promised.

Tags for this post: mysql conference mysqluc2007 slack presentation sre
Related posts: Managing MySQL the Slack Way: How Google Deploys …

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MySQL Users Conference

Well, they're definitely thinking about getting started. Like last year I caught the VTA down -- it's hard to beat a $1.75 trip without having to worry about traffic. Registraton wasn't as smooth this year as last, for example I didn't get my free book (there didn't seem to be any attempt to hand those out to speakers). Whatever.

I'm now waiting for the replication talk to start.

Tags for this post: mysql conference mysqluc2007 registration

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Managing MySQL the Slack Way: How Google Deploys New MySQL Servers
I'll be presenting about Slack (the open sourced tool kit we use for deployment software configuration) at the MySQL user's conference in Santa Clara in late April. The talk will focus on the interesting aspects of Slack as it relates to MySQL and should be fun. A DBA mate of mine is gonna present with me, so it should be a barrel of laughs.

Tags for this post: mysql conference mysqluc2007 mysql presentation

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