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Log Buffer #39: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Don Seiler has published the 39th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs, on die Seilerwerks. As always, please see Log Buffer’s homepage to learn more about contributing. Here’s Log Buffer #39.

Software Truth Hearings

While this site is meant to promote Bigfix's line of network management products, they've taken a swipe at the agressive tactics of typical software salespeople with the launch of their faux "Software Truth" site.  In what purports to be a congressional investigation with subpeona'd sales reps squirming under bright lights you hear a sales rep confess: "The truth is we don't have's like a corpse after 6 hours of rigor mortis has set in."

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All Systems Go for MySQL Conference

In a few weeks I'm headed out to my 4th MySQL Conference. Typically I get all my travel/lodging set up way in advance but this year is different and I just got the last piece into place today. Yikes!

I haven't had much time this year for pre-conference MySQL posts, which tend to get more frequent leading up to the conference. I guess there is still two full weeks to get back into groove before I head out.

I'm looking forward to the conference for a few reasons (in no particular order):

  • Presentations: I'm excited for a number of presentations on the schedule. As I look back over the years I think the thing I've enjoyed the most in presentations is hearing how other folks are using MySQL to solve their data storage/access problems. My first conference in (Orlando, 2004) very heavily featured the work …
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Replication Integrity and Automatic Master Promotion

We've been working on automatic master promotion for MySQL using lbpool and I'm reminded of a few ideas we had after reading about MMM.

The MySQL Master-Master replication (often in active-passive mode) is popular pattern used by many companies using MySQL for scale out. Most of the companies would have some internal scripts to handle things as automatic fallback and slave cloning but no Open Source solution was made available.

Few months ago we were asked to implement such solution for one of the customers and they kindly agreed to let us release things under GPL2 License, and we gave them reduced rate for being Open Source friendly.

We actually considered a dual master approach but abandoned because it was non ideal. …

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Replication Integrity and Automatic Master Promotion

We’ve been working on automatic master promotion for MySQL using lbpool and I’m reminded of a few ideas we had after reading about MMM.

The MySQL Master-Master replication (often in active-passive mode) is popular pattern used by many companies using MySQL for scale out. Most of the companies would have some internal scripts to handle things as automatic fallback and slave cloning but no Open Source solution was made available.

Few months ago we were asked to implement such solution for one of the customers and they kindly agreed to let us release things under GPL2 License, and we gave them reduced rate for being Open Source friendly.

We actually considered a dual master approach but abandoned because it was non …

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Three updated tools in MySQL Toolkit

I've just released three updates to tools in MySQL Toolkit. The updated programs are MySQL Query Profiler (major new features and helper script), MySQL Table Sync (bug fixes, documentation, features), and MySQL Table Checksum (minor sanity check enhancement).

MySQL Master-Master replication manager released

So, I’s been a long time since I wrote my last post here. Lots of work and almost no new interesting technologies in my work caused such delay. But today I’m proud to announce release of really interesting project: MySQL Master-Master replication manager - set of flexible scripts for management different MySQL deployment schemes with master-master replication involved.

More information about this software could be found in detailed announce in Peter Zaitsev blog (actually this software was created by me for his company’s client) or at project page. All your questions and suggestions welcomed in …

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You are tired of writing your UDFs for MySQL in C or never wanted to write them in C at all ? How about writing them in lua ?

LUA is - easy to learn - easy to embed - easy to use

and not to forget lua has extensions for everything: - LuaSocket - how about some HTTP requests ? - LuaSQL - connecting back to the MySQL Server ? - ...

UDF_Lua is registered in the MySQL Forge.


As example we want to read the real startup time of the errorlog.

-- we are run with the permissions of the mysqld
-- …
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MySQL Master-Master replication manager released

The MySQL Master-Master replication (often in active-passive mode) is popular pattern used by many companies using MySQL for scale out. Most of the companies would have some internal scripts to handle things as automatic fallback and slave cloning but no Open Source solution was made available.

Few months ago we were asked to implement such solution for one of the customers and they kindly agreed to let us release things under GPL2 License, and we gave them reduced rate for being Open Source friendly.

So what does this tool do and how it works ?

Currently it is implemented based on Linux IP management tools and LVM for snapshot creation but we hope support for other operation systems added in the future.

It can manage master-master pair as well as other configurations such as master-master and bunch of slaves.

Typically you would define "roles" for example READER and WRITER roles for most simply case and …

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Sun CEO: "Proprietary"...did more damage to sun than any market downturn

Jonathan Schwartz said something very interesting on his blog today. (I wish he blogged more, and with fewer happy Sun employee faces in his blogs, but this one was good.) He was talking about Sun's licensing of its Neptune ASIC to Marvell, and made this comment:

For years we were called proprietary - a moniker that did more damage to Sun than any market downturn. And frankly, we've spent years recovering. But at this point, my hope is we've completely turned that slur on its head, that we've come to define open - more open than any other vendor, more open than open itself. From silicon to systems, software to storage and services.I get a lot of grief for being an open source bigot. Few that make that claim seem to understand that I spent my years in the "hybrid" wilderness. It didn't work. That's why I've increasingly opted for a pureplay open source view. …

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