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Displaying posts with tag: 2007 MySQL Conference (reset)
Hierarchies Session Completed

My hierarchies session is done. It’s nice to be finished and free to relax.

The materials and video are available at

As the trend of online business is increasing day by day the work of hosting as well as website design companies is increasing as well. Top class business sites not only require dedicated web server but also strongly need ecommerce web site design. In order to facilitate their clients through proper services the business sites do require high web hosting bandwidth package as well. One can …

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It Finally Happened

Back when I first heard that the MySQL source code was being split into Enterprise and Community editions and that the Community edition binaries would be release only every few versions, I knew that there would soon be a project to provide binaries to the community of both editions by a third party.

It didn’t take too long. Here at the conference Solid and Proven Scaling introduced Dorsal Source, a site providing binaries of all community and enterprise releases of MySQL.

The builds are of course unofficial but certainly welcome by those needing a new version that is not being released in binary form by MySQL.

SandalCamp Session Completed

The MySQL SandalCamp session is complete, slides are available at:

The A/V recording of the session will be online once I complete the recode.

Thanks to all that came.

Speaking Twice at the MySQL User Conference

Due to unfortunate circumstances, Zak Greant is unable to attend the MySQL User Conference this year.

Because Zak is a good friend (and I am a glutton for punishment), I agreed yesterday to take on his talk for MySQL beginners titled MySQL Sandalcamp. It should be a good session for those who are completely new to MySQL, covering the basics of what a database is, how to create, populate and query tables.

So if you ever wanted to see what I can put together in two days while traveling, stop by and check it out (unless you already know how to assemble a SELECT query, in which case you will be very bored).

Next up, my Hierarchies talk on …

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Sessions I am Looking Forward to This Year

This year I am looking forward to the MySQL Conference mostly because I get to hook up with old friends and co-workers, but of course I also plan to sit in on a few sessions:

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Speaking at the 2007 MySQL Conference

I just got word today that I will be speaking at the 2007 MySQL Conference.

I’ll be doing a three hour tutorial version of my popular 2006 session on Managing Data Hierarchies (strangely they backdated my title in last year’s session listing; I was a Technical Writer for MySQL AB at the time).

This year session I plan to add more depth to the existing methodologies I cover as well as cover additional methodologies for managing hierarchical data in MySQL.

Last conference the session was standing room only and I entertained several requests for additional information when the session was complete, so I hope this next session will be equally well received and I look forward to meeting old friends and associates.

See you there!

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