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Displaying posts with tag: Compiling (reset)
Packaging and Installing the MySQL Proxy with RPM

As I felt the itch to do some quick hacking yesterday, I decided to provide an RPM spec file for the MySQL proxy. The changes have been commited to the SVN trunk now and I added some hints to the INSTALL file on how to perform an RPM build.

Here is a quick summary of how to convert the current SVN code into an installable RPM. You build environment needs to fulfill a few additional prerequisites (a gcc compiler and the C library header files are taken for granted here), I added the versions I used on my openSUSE 10.2 system for reference:

  • autoconf 2.56 or newer (autoconf-2.60)
  • automake 1.9 or newer (automake-1.9.6)
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Free BitKeeper client updated

After I published my article on how to build MySQL with the new Falcon storage engine from source, the free BitKeeper client was updated to version 2.0. I have now updated the instructions accordingly, our manual has been updated to reflect these changes, too.

However, it is currently still not possible to clone the Falcon tree with this client, some kind of obscure locking error message appears, even though the admin console on does not reveal any active locks in the repository:

$ bkf clone bk:// …
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Free BitKeeper client updated

After I published my article on how to build MySQL with the new Falcon storage engine from source, the free BitKeeper client was updated to version 2.0. I have now updated the instructions accordingly, our manual has been updated to reflect these changes, too.

However, it is currently still not possible to clone the Falcon tree with this client, some kind of obscure locking error message appears, even though the admin console on does not reveal any active locks in the repository:

$ bkf clone bk:// …
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How to compile MySQL with the Falcon Storage Engine from the BitKeeper source tree

Now that the source tree for the new Falcon Storage Engine is finally public, here's a quick HOWTO on how to compile the server from source. This procedure is described in more detail in the MySQL Manual. I assume you use Linux and have the required development toolchain installed.

You first should get the free BK client from, unpack and install it:

$ wget
--17:34:34--   …
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How to compile MySQL with the Falcon Storage Engine from the BitKeeper source tree

Now that the source tree for the new Falcon Storage Engine is finally public, here's a quick HOWTO on how to compile the server from source. This procedure is described in more detail in the MySQL Manual. I assume you use Linux and have the required development toolchain installed.

You first should get the free BK client from, unpack and install it:

$ wget
--17:34:34--   …
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Brisbane Users Group - MySQL Hackfest

Last night we had a number of keen souls at the Brisbane MySQL User Group. I was very impressed to see the majority of people with laptops at hand.

You can download my slides and code examples at my Articles page.

In our hands on Hackfest tutorial we created the new command SHOW USERGROUPS. Before anybody makes a comment, it was stated in the presentation that this command was made a dummy one, and is a poor candidate for two reasons.

  1. The results should be more dynamic, rather then hardcoded into the source tree
  2. USERGROUPS is not an ideal name due to comparisions to Users, Groups, Roles etc

Still it was productive, here was the outcome of our work for the evening.

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Compiling MySQL Tutorial 3 - Debugging Output

Continuing on from Tutorial 2.

When reviewing the 2.1. C/C++ Coding Guidelines for MySQL, you will see that the MySQL Source uses within the C/C++ code DBUG (Fred Fish’s debug library). This is one of the 3rd party open source products that are documented in the Internals 1.4. The Open-source Directories.

You will also find some usage in the MySQL Manual E.3 The DBUG Package. So enough talk, how do you use this.


You get the DBUG output by running a mysqld debug version with the argument –debug. The output …

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Compiling MySQL Tutorial 2 - Directly from the source

Should you want to be on the bleeding edge, or in my case, don’t want to download 70MB each day in a daily snapshot (especially when I’m getting build errors), you can use Bit Keeper Free Bit Keeper Client that at least lets you download the MySQL Repository. This client doesn’t allow commits, which is a good thing for those non-gurus in mysql internals (which definitely includes me).

/bin/sh bk-client.shar
cd bk_client-1.1

By placing sfioball in your path you can execute.

sfioball bk:// mysql-5.1

This took me about 4 mins, which seemed much quicker then getting a snapshot!

You can then get cracking with my instructions at Compiling MySQL Tutorial 1 - The Baseline.

A good reference …

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Compiling MySQL Tutorial 1 - The Baseline - Update

Just to confirm my earlier confusion about verified snapshots at Compiling MySQL Tutorial 1 - The Baseline.

“Daily snapshot sources are only published, if they compiled successfully (using the BUILD/compile-pentium-debug-max script) and passed the test suite (using make test). If the source tree snapshot fails to compile or does not pass the test suite, the source tarball will not be published.”

Seems the fine print at MySQL Database Server 5.1: Beta snapshots also states this. Well, need to take my RTFM pill there.

Thanks to Lenz for putting the record straight, and helping with my Forum Post. Seems I did uncover a Bug, now recorded as …

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Compiling MySQL Tutorial 1 - The Baseline


This tutorial is aimed at Linux installations that has the standard development tools already installed. The INSTALL file in the source archives provides good details of the software required (e.g. gunzip, gcc 2.95.2+,make).

Create a separate user for this development work.

su -
useradd mysqldev
su - mysqldev

Get an appropiate Snapshot

You can view recent snapshots at

The official statement on snapshots from MySQL AB.
Daily snapshot sources are only published, if they compiled successfully (using the BUILD/compile-pentium-debug-max script) and passed the test suite (using make test). If the source tree snapshot fails to compile or does not pass the test suite, the source tarball will not be published.

At the time of producing …

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