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Displaying posts with tag: binlog (reset)
The missing pieces in the protobuf binary log

Protobuf comes with a minor problem: it does not have support for handling "type tagged structures", that is, something reminiscent of objects in OOP lingo, so if one is going to have a heterogeneous sequences of messages, you have to roll it yourself. For that reason, I added a transport frame for the messages in the binary log that wraps each with some extra information. In addition to allowing the binary log to be a sequence of messages, it also adds some integrity-checking data and simplifies some administrative tasks.

Type Tag

The format of each message in the sequences is given in the table in the margin. where the length is a specially encoded …

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Using protobuf for designing and implementing replication in Drizzle

So, following the lead of Brian, I spent a few hours of the weekend to create a very simple replication scheme for Drizzle using protobuf for specifying the binary log events.

Since we are developing a replication for a cloud, there are a few things we have to consider:

  • Servers are unreliable. We shall not trust server, but we shall expect them to crash at the worst possible time (Murphy is a very good friend of mine, you know. He must be, since he visits me very often.) This means that we need to have support to allow statements to be sent to the slaves before the transaction is complete, which means that we need to support …
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mysqlbinlog Tips and Tricks

So, you have a binlog. You want to find out something specific that happened inside of it. What to do? mysqlbinlog has some neat features, which I thought we would look at here.

I should first explain what mysqlbinlog really is. It is a tool that lets you analyze and view the binlogs/relaylogs from mysql, which are stored in binary format. This tool converts them to plaintext, so that they’re human-readable.

For the first tip, let’s start with the --read-from-remote-server option, which allows you to examine a binlog on a master server in order, perhaps, to dump it onto your slave and compare master/slave logs for potential problems*.

$ mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server -uwesterlund -p mysql-bin.000001 -h -P 3306 | head -5
Enter password:
/*!40019 SET …
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Data inconsistency issues – binlog to rescue

One of our peer group developers contacted me today stating that they were inserting a value of 10 in one of the columns in their tables. But after the insert, when they query the table they were getting the value as 0.

Logged into the box to check what was happening. Luckily binlog was turned on that mysql instance. Ran the mysqlbinlog utility on the current binlog and greped for the particular primary key value.

It listed an insert statement and an update statement. There was the culprit, the value of 10 was getting inserted but soon the application was following it up with an update to value 0. Yeah it is always not the database

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When SHOW SLAVE STATUS and the error log Disagree

Or, When MySQL Lies!

When I do a show slave status\G, sometimes mysqld will lie to me and give me a wrong Exec_Master_Log_Pos. Let me explain with a situation from last night.

This is the output of show slave status\G from mysql version 5.0.41-community-log:

mysql> show slave status \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                   Master_Host: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
                   Master_User: replic_username
                   Master_Port: 3306
                 Connect_Retry: 60
               Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000480
           Read_Master_Log_Pos: 690470773
                Relay_Log_File: db2-relay-bin.000028
                 Relay_Log_Pos: 683977007
      Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000480
              Slave_IO_Running: Yes
             Slave_SQL_Running: No …
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Faster way to find the next valid position in a relay log?

I'm working on an implementation of a mysql slave precache tool as described by Paul Tuckfield at last year's User conference.

I can easily tell where the SQL Thread is currently is reading from in the local relay log, but it's a harder problem to solve when I want to scan ahead in that log some number of binlog entries and find a valid position. I can simply add to the position some number of bytes, but then I have to stop and loop through calls to 'mysqlbinlog' until I get a position that doesn't throw an error.

This turns out to be a pretty expensive operation, and I'm having a problem where by the time I find a good position and can start my precacher, the slave is already past me!

Does anyone have any clever ways to find good binary log positions besides this (this is in ruby, in case you're wondering):

def …
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Stopping the slave exactly at a specified binlog position

Catching up on some articles on the Planet MySQL feed, I just read the post by Dathan on how to promote a slave to be master by using MASTER_POS_WAIT(). The MASTER_POS_WAIT() is an excellent function that allows you to wait until the slave reaches a point at or after the given binlog position. Observe that after the statement issuing a MASTER_POS_WAIT() returns, the slave threads are still running, so this means that even if a STOP SLAVE is issued immediately after the statement with MASTER_POS_WAIT(), it is bound to move a little more before actually stopping. For Dathan's situation, this is not necessary, but wouldn't it be great if you could stop a slave at exactly the position that you want? Well, that …

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