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Displaying posts with tag: memcached (reset)
Memcached and MySQL: webminar from a Web 2.0 company

At OSCON, Brian and Dormando gave their ever famous talk, Memcached and MySQL: Everything You Need To Know. I didn’t attend the tutorial, but they assured me it was similar to what was given at the MySQL Conference 2008 (everything, but the very nice buttons dormando was giving out with the memcached logo!). Great, because not only is memcached hot, but I have notes from their talk: Memcached and MySQL tutorial.

Interestingly enough (and this didn’t happen at OSCON), …

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Memcached for MySQL: Advanced Use Cases (Recoding and Slides)

My second webinar (hey it's an officially recognized word now!) on memcached, Memcached for MySQL: Advanced Use Cases, is now available on-demand from MySQL website.

Also see:


The other day I was watching a Memcached Webinar (”Memcached for MySQL: Advanced Use Cases”) sponsored by MySQL, and it got me thinking about memcached from an operational perspective. It seems to me that the implementation patterns for memcached are fairly well codified in the standard body of knowledge. What does NOT appear to be [...]

Memcached for MySQL Webinar: Advanced Use Cases

Today at 1PM EST I am presenting the second part of memcached for MySQL webinar. I was told that the registration numbers look as good as the previous one. This one will be a bit more technical than the previous webinar. Sorry for the late notice but hope you can join!

Caching and TTL behavior

So, I am working on MemProxy some.  Mainly, I am trying to implement more of the Cache-Control header's many options.  The one that has me a bit perplexed s-maxage.  Particularly when combined with max-age.

s-maxage is the maximum time in seconds an item should remain in a shared cache.  So, if s-maxage is set by the application server, my proxy should keep it for that amount of time at the most.  Up until now, I have just been looking at max-age.  But, s-maxage is the proper one for a proxy to use if it is present.  I do not send the s-maxage through because this is a reverse proxy and, IMO, that is proper behavior for an application accelerating proxy.  However, I do send forward the max-age value that is set by the application servers.  If no max-age is set, I send a default as defined in the script.  Also, if no-cache …

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Velocity Conference Roundup

As I said before, I was invited to be on a panel at Velocity Conference.  I was delighted to go.  I had never been to San Francisco.  I have been to Portland and Santa Clara several times.  The panel was great.  It was the Brian and photo sharing sites show.  Seriously, it was me (, John Allspaw of Flickr, Don MacAskill of SmugMug and Farhan Mashraqi of Fotolog.  Oh, there was also Shayan Zadeh of Zoosk, a social dating network and Michael Halligan, a consultant from BitPusher.  We all had similar ideas.  I told my …

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Did you know I am going to be at Velocity?

Well, neither did I until today. HA!

Velocity is a new O'Reilly conference dedicated to "Optimizing Web Performance and Scalability".  It starts next Monday.  Yesterday I was contacted by Adam Jacobs of HJK Solutions about taking part in a panel discussion about what happens when success comes suddenly to a web site.  I think he thought I was in the bay area.  Little did he know I am in Alabama.  But, amazingly, I was able to work it all out so I can be there.  I wish I had known about this conference ahead of time.  It sounds really awesome.  Performance has always been something I focus on.  I hope to share some and learn …

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Open position in the Memcached team

The last few month has been an interesting period for me. I used to work in the Database Technology Group, and as you may guess that group was affected by the acquisition of MySQL. The merge of the two teams are now complete, and we now all located in the Database Group.

During this merge it was natural to look at the staffing in the different projects, and I am extremely glad to see that the project I am working on get additional headcount.

I am therefore extremely exited over the fact that we have the following open positions in my team:

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Writing a book

I have in front of me a contract which I've signed and am sending out today. It's a contract to write a book for Wiley/Wrox titled "Developing Web Applications with Perl, Memcached, MySQL and Apache". I have never written a book before, so I'm wondering what this experience will be like. It seems like a huge task but one that I think I can handle both in terms of my experience and ability. This book is slated to be around 500 pages covering what the title suggests, of course in detail. Originally, Memcached wasn't included, but I thought that it's become an ever-increasingly used tool that is part of the LAMP stack (LAMMP?).

My goal is to create a book that helps web developers be able to build web applications using Perl as the language, MySQL as the database, Memcached as a read-through or write-through cache, Apache as the web server platform. With this book I hope create more interest in Perl web development. There are so many …

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MemProxy 0.1

MemProxy 0.1 is out!  It has taken me a while, but I have finally gotten around to releasing the code that I credited with saving us during a Yahoo! mention.  It is a caching proxy "server" that uses memcached for storing the cache.  I put server in quotes because it is really just a PHP script that handles the caching and talking to the application servers.  Apache and other HTTP servers already do a good job talking HTTP to a vast myriad of clients.  I did not see any reason to reinvent the wheel.  Here are some of the features that make it different from anything I could find:

  • Uses memcached for storage
  • Serves cache headers to clients based on TTL of cached data
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