So… I had another one of those “hrrm… this shouldn’t be hard to hack a proof-of-concept” moments. Web apps are increasingly speaking JSON all around the place. Why can’t we speak JSON to/from the database? Why? Seriously, why not?
One reason why MongoDB has found users is that JSON is very familiar to people. It has gained popularity in spite of having pure disregard for the integrity and safety of your data.
So I started with a really simple idea: http server in the database server. Thanks to the simple code to do that with libevent, I got that going fairly quickly. Finding a rather nice C++ library to create and parse JSON was the next challenge. I found JSONcpp, a public domain library with a nice API and proceeded to bring it into the tree (it’s not much code). I then created a simple way to find out the version of the Drizzle server you …
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