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Displaying posts with tag: tungsten (reset)
A Glance at Real-Time Replication From MySQL To Oracle

The open source Tungsten Replicator is very powerful. It's exciting to see how a flexible initial design allows to push the boundaries of replication with each new release. The recently published System of Record approach for multi-master databases does exactly this for multi-master databases.

Nevertheless, in today's database environments it is often not enough to move data, however well it is done, between the nodes of a single DBMS vendor like MySQL.  There is an entirely new set of challenges that appear when Oracle joins the Enterprise room.

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What's Next for Tungsten Replicator

As Giuseppe Maxia recently posted we released Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4 this week.  It has a raft of bug fixes and new features of which one-line installations are the single biggest improvement.  I set up replicators dozens of times a day and having a single command for standard cluster topologies is a huge step forward.  Kudos to Jeff Mace for getting this nailed down.

So what's next?  You can get see what we are up to in general by looking at our issues list.  We cannot do everything at once, but here are the current priorities for Tungsten Replicator 2.0.5.

  • Parallel replication speed and robustness. …
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The happiness of failing installations

When you set-up the same software several times (for you or for your customers), you want that software to install quickly and reliably, and you are generally happy when everything works as expected.
In this context, a failing installation is when the installation process exits unexpectedly, and you are left with an error message and the prospect of looking at the manual to find out what was it.

A failing installation is unpleasant, you'd say, and I concur. But do you know what's more unpleasant than a failing installation? It's an installation that succeeds, only to fail silently the first time you try using the application.

Looking at this enhanced definition, it is no surprise that I assert to find happiness in failure. And I have practical reasons for my claim. When I first tried Tungsten Replicator installation, it succeeded. And to my …

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Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4 released: usability and power
It has been a bumpy ride, with dozens of issues opened and resolved, but we finally feel that Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4 is ready for prime time.There have been quite a lot of changes. Most notably, the replicator is much faster, especially when it comes to parallel replication, and it is much easier to install, thanks to its new integrated installer, which can validate all the requirements to install the replicator, and suggest remedies when the requirements aren't met. This new installer is so good, in fact, that calling it installer is an insult. It is a legitimate cluster builder, able to install a full fledged cluster from a central location.

Probably …

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A review of Tungsten Replicator: Part 1 – Installation

I’ve been following the development of Tungsten Replicator for quiet some time now, and recently was fortunate enough to find the time to take a look at the product in more detail. If you haven’t heard of Tungsten Replicator yet, it’s an open source database replication engine that can be used to complement or completely [...]

Practical Multi-Master Replication using Shard Filters

Earlier this month I published an article on this blog describing the system of record approach to multi-master replication.  As mentioned in that article my colleagues and I at Continuent have been working on improving Tungsten to make system of record design patterns easier to implement.  This article describes how to set up system of record using Tungsten Replicator shard filters, which are a new feature in Tungsten 2.0.4.  By doing so we will create a multi-master configuration that avoids replication loops and transaction conflicts.  On top of that, it is quite easy to set up.

There are many possible system of record patterns depending on how many schemas are shared and across how many masters.  The following diagram …

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First the Blog, now the Webinar: Adding Parallel Replication to MySQL in a Hurry

My recent post on setting up Tungsten parallel replication in a hurry got a lot of hits, though to be fair it was probably not the great writing but the fact that at least one popular MySQL blog posted a link to it.  (Thanks, we like you guys too.)  Anyway, I would like to invite anybody who is interested in parallel replication to attend a webinar on Thursday September 1st at 10am PDT to cover installing and using Tungsten.  It's straight-up technical talk to help you start quickly. 
Bringing up Tungsten on an existing MySQL slave only takes a few minutes, so once we have that out of the way I will explain how Tungsten works inside and show you some …

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Adding Parallel Replication to MySQL in a Hurry

A previous article on this blog described Tungsten parallel replication using on-disk queues.  On-disk queues are now more or less finished, and I just closed the covering issue for the feature.  The work is bug fixing and performance testing from here on out.  Speaking of performance, that looks fairly good.   A recent on-site test using production workloads showed 3.3X improvement over native MySQL replication while holding resources like memory down to much more reasonable levels than in-memory queues.  We have further optimizations on the way, so this should improve.

Now that parallel replication is working a lot better, what is it good for?  Here is a good start:  assuming your …

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Usability improvements in Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4

If you love a software product, you should try to improve it, and not be afraid of criticizing it. This principle has guided me with MySQL (where I have submitted many usability bugs, and discussed interface with developers for years), and it proves true for Tungsten Replicator as well. When I started working at Continuent, while I was impressed by the technology, I found the installation procedure and the product logs quite discouraging. I would almost say disturbing. Fortunately, my colleagues have agreed on my usability focus, and we can enjoy some tangible improvements. I have already mentioned the new installation procedure, which requires just one command to install a full master/slave cluster. I would like to show how you can use the new installer to deploy a multiple source …

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Introducing Tungsten On-Disk Queues for Parallel Replication

Tungsten Replicator has offered shard-based parallel replication to slaves since late 2010.  The initial implementation uses in-memory queues.  Working purely in memory keeps latency low and throughput high.   On the other hand, working in memory consumes valuable RAM.  It also forces us to buffer all in-flight transactions and therefore greatly limits the span of time permissible between the slowest and fastest shard.

Hence our newest improvement:  on-disk parallel queues.  In this article I will cover how parallel replication works in general, how on-disk queues help with parallel replication, and then show how to set up from the latest builds.

First, let's review the basic mechanics.  Parallel …

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