We were happy to see a lot of folks from Japan on Twitter this weekend having a discussion about MySQL and Tokutek. While we always endeavor to explain ourselves as simply as possible, hearing what users and peers have to say and ask in their native language is very helpful. Here is a sampling of several of the 30+ tweets and re-tweets (translations courtesy of a colleague I know from frequent past visits to Tokyo and Yokohama):
First, @frsyuki provided a general overview:
“TokuDB” 新種のMySQLストレージエンジン。INSERTが20〜80倍ほど速い、パーティションなしで数TBのデータを突っ込める、MVCCサポートなど。Fractal Treeというアルゴリズムを実装しているらしい。http://www.tokutek.com/
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