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Displaying posts with tag: iibench (reset)
OpenSQLCamp Lightning Talk Videos

OpenSQLCamp was a huge success! Not many folks have blogged about what they learned there….if you missed it, all is not lost. We did take videos of most of the sessions (we only had 3 video cameras, and 4 rooms, and 2 sessions were not recorded).

All the videos have been processed, and I am working on uploading them to YouTube and filling in details for the video descriptions. Not all the videos are up right now….right now all the lightning talks are up.

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InnoDB purge - another potential performance problem

If you have delete-intensive workloads on InnoDB, then you need to understand how purge works. Dimitri has an interesting post on this. And I wrote about measuring purge lag.

I haven't had to deal with this problem yet, but the insert benchmark has a new option to make it delete intensive. So, I think I can reproduce workloads that generate a lot of purge lag.

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