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Displaying posts with tag: jquery (reset)
Mozilla Foundation Report for 2009 Week 4

This is Zak Greant's weekly report on his activities for the Mozilla Foundation from January 19th to 25th, 2009.

Wading through heaps of Mozilla email and feeds last week paid off this week. Instead of worrying about what I hadn't read or wondering where I was duplicating other's work, I was able to focus on program development with most of my effort going into developing the Mozilla Social Movement Program Concept, working on the Mozilla Manifesto Stories experiment and catching up with my peers. At 54 hours, the week was a bit long but I was glad to be able to focus. …

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... Reglib or JQuery, IPS and UpdateCenter, and Wikipedia and MySQL

Some recent news of interest:

JQuery is a small and fast JavaScript Framework (Wikipedia, homepage). JQuery is very popular (Google Trends!), but Greg (Reimer - one of the developers of Sun.Com) was interested in exploring a declarative approach to JavaScript programming and created reglib (for registration library). JavaScript fiends can start at Reg's …

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TOTD #40: jQuery Autcomplete widget with MySQL, GlassFish, NetBeans

TOTD #39 explained how to create an Autocomplete widget (server-powered autocompleting of text fields, similar to Google Suggest) using Prototype/ libraries with NetBeans, GlassFish and MySQL. This Tip Of The Day (TOTD) builds upon that project and shows how same functionality can be achieved using jQuery Library.

  1. Use the NetBeans project created in TOTD #39. Right-clicking on the project, select "New", "JSP...", enter the name as "index2" …
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