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Displaying posts with tag: optimizer (reset)
Hash join in MySQL 8

For a long time, the only algorithm for executing a join in MySQL has been variations of the nested loop algorithm. With the release of MySQL 8.0.18, the server can now execute joins using hash join. This blog post will have a look at how it works, when it is used, and how it compares to the old join algorithms in MySQL in terms of performance.…

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MySQL 8.0.18 was just released, and it contains a brand new feature to analyze and understand how queries are executed: EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

What is it?

EXPLAIN ANALYZE is a profiling tool for your queries that will show you where MySQL spends time on your query and why.…

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MySQL Optimizer: Naughty Aberrations on Queries Combining WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT

Sometimes, the MySQL Optimizer chooses a wrong plan, and a query that should execute in less than 0.1 second ends-up running for 12 minutes !  This is not a new problem: bugs about this can be traced back to 2014, and a blog post on this subject was published in 2015.  But even if this is old news, because this problem recently came yet again to my attention, and because this is still not fixed in MySQL 5.7 and 8.0, this is a subject worth writing about.

The MySQL Optimizer

Before looking at the problematic query, we have to say a few words about the optimizer.  The Query Optimizer is the part of query execution that chooses the query plan.  A Query Execution Plan is the way MySQL chooses to execute a specific query.  It …

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Supporting all kinds of outer references in derived tables (lateral, or not)

(Image credit: Pixabay).

In my earlier post, I showed how MySQL, since version 8.0.14, has support for LATERAL derived tables. With LATERAL, a JOIN can have a second table – a subquery-based derived table – be defined based on values from columns of the first table, and thus be re-calculated for each row of the first table.…

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Support for LATERAL derived tables added to MySQL 8.0.14

In the just-released MySQL 8.0.14 I added a feature called LATERAL derived tables.

The manual describes the syntax and has examples of how the feature can be used to find greatest values in tables. In the present post I’m going to consider a different problem solved by LATERAL: let’s say that we have a bunch of nodes, and want to make a “random graph”, by connecting every node to other nodes.…

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What is the “(scanning)” variant of a loose index scan?

A query plan uses loose index scan if “Using index for group-by” appears in the “Extra”  column of the EXPLAIN output. In some plans though, “Using index for group-by (scanning)” appears. What does “(scanning)” mean and how is it different from the regular loose index scan?…

Why Optimization derived_merge can Break Your Queries

Lately, I worked on several queries which started returning wrong results after upgrading MySQL Server to version 5.7 The reason for the failure was derived merge optimization which is one of the default


  options. Issues were solved, though at the price of performance, when we turned it


 . But, more importantly, we could not predict if any other query would start returning incorrect data, to allow us to fix the application before it was too late. Therefore I tried to find reasons why


  can fail. Analyzing the problem

In the first run, we turned SQL Mode


on, and this removed most of the problematic queries. That said, few of the queries that were successfully working with


  were affected.

A quick search in the …

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ANALYZE TABLE Is No Longer a Blocking Operation

In this post, I’ll discuss the fix for lp:1704195 (migrated to PS-2503), which prevents


 from blocking all subsequent queries on the same table.

In November 2017, Percona released a fix for lp:1704195 (migrated to PS-2503), created by Laurynas Biveinis. The fix, included with Percona Server for MySQL since versions 5.6.38-83.0 and 5.7.20-18, stops

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Histogram statistics in MySQL

As of MySQL 8.0.3, you now have the ability to create histogram statistics in order to provide more statistics to the optimizer. In this blog post, we will have a look at how you can create histogram statistics, and we will explain when it might be useful to have histogram statistics.…

When order of appearance of indexes matters in MySQL

Sometimes MySQL surprises you in ways you would have never imagined.

Would you think that the order in which the indexes appear in a table matters?
It does. Mind you, not the order of the columns - the order of the indexes.
MySQL optimizer can, in specific circumstances, take different paths, sometimes with nefarious effects.

Please consider the following table:

CREATE TABLE `mypartitionedtable ` (
  `HASH_ID` char(64) NOT NULL,
  `RAW_DATA` mediumblob NOT NULL,

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