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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
What causes LOST_EVENTS error in the MySQL binary log?

Using MySQL 5.6.13 under CentOS 6.4, I had a replication failure on one master/slave topology because the master binary log had the following entry that was intentionally written by the MySQL server.

$ mysqlbinlog --start-position=244670849 mysql-bin.000029
# at 244670849
#131028 19:31:38 server id 39  end_log_pos 244670906 CRC32 0xc5d084ec
# Incident: LOST_EVENTS
RELOAD DATABASE; # Shall generate syntax error
# at 244670906

The question is why? I do not know the answer. Searching online indicates this can occur in a MySQL Cluster environment, and can occur around the use of GRANT statements. Neither of these situations are applicable here. This site runs 4 different master/slave topologies all running the same version, and this has been the only occurrence.

The message, if taken literally could indicate that the master server failed to write all events to the master binary log, but instead of reporting any …

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MySQL/NoSQL/Cloud Conference Latin America

Last week I was a guest speaker at the second annual MySQL/NoSQL/Cloud Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thanks to Santiago Lertora from Binlogic who has taken on the responsibility of organizing a event for the MySQL community in South America.

My presentations slides for my 3 talks.

While the MySQL community and …

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An unexplained connection experience

The “Too many connections” problem is a common issue with applications using excessive permissions (and those that grant said global permissions). MySQL will always grant a user with SUPER privileges access to a DB to investigate the problem with a SHOW PROCESSLIST and where you can check the limits. I however found the following.

mysql> show global variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 2000  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'max%';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 6637  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How can the max_used_connection exceed max_connections? This is possible because you can dynamically change max_connections in a normal MySQL environment. However …

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Additional DB objects in AWS RDS

To expand on Jervin’s Default RDS Account Privileges, RDS for MySQL provides a number of routines and triggers defined the the ‘mysql’ meta schema. These help in various tasks because the SUPER privilege is not provided.

SELECT routine_schema,routine_name
FROM information_schema.routines;
| routine_schema | routine_name                      |
| mysql          | rds_collect_global_status_history |
| mysql          | rds_disable_gsh_collector         |
| mysql          | rds_disable_gsh_rotation          |
| mysql          | rds_enable_gsh_collector          |
| mysql          | rds_enable_gsh_rotation           |
| mysql          | rds_kill                          |
| mysql          | rds_kill_query                    |
| mysql          | …
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MySQL MHA and Perl pathing

I am certainly not a knowledgeable Perl person, however I recently ran into the error Can’t locate MHA/ on Red Hat 6.x. I have installed MySQL MHA on various systems before without any issues.

$ masterha_manager -version
Can't locate MHA/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /usr/bin/masterha_manager line 26.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/masterha_manager line 26.

The issue was that MySQL MHA is not installed in any of the acceptable default paths for this disto default installation.

$ find / -type d -name MHA

The fix was simple on this OS, but I expect there is a correct Perl approach?

ln -s …
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Cloning MySQL 5.6 instances

A tip for all those cloud users that like cloning database servers (as reported in my book Effective MySQL – Replication Techniques in Depth).

Starting with MySQL 5.6, MySQL instances have a UUID. Cloning servers to quickly create slaves will result in the following error message.

  Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work.

The solution is simple. Clear our the file based configuration file (located in the MySQL datadir) and restart the MySQL instance.

$ rm -f /mysql/data/auto.cnf
$ service mysql restart
Unnecessary 3am (emergency) call

Help, the database is on fire. Well, it probably is but the solution may also be easy. Here are a few steps for the part-time MySQL DBA/sysadmin/developer. Total time to address this solution was 2 minutes, the inability to not go back to sleep, not priceless.

First, access to the DB server is possible, and also the mysql command line client. If you are getting “Too Many Connections” read Why GRANT ALL is bad.

Given the message “the database is on fire”, the likely cause is rogue SQL.

mysql> show global variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 5000  |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'threads%';
| Variable_name     | Value | …
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Identifying empty tables in MySQL

The following simple INFORMATION_SCHEMA statement will identify and also verify tables that have no rows. These may be candidate tables to remove from your data model.

mysql -N -e "select CONCAT('SELECT "',table_schema,'.',table_name,'" AS tbl, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ',table_schema,'.',table_name,';') as cmd from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','performance_schema','information_schema') and table_rows=0;" | mysql -N
A simple FAILED SQL statement breaks MySQL 5.6 replication

I setup 6 shiny new MySQL 5.6.13 MySQL servers, ready for testing and production deployment tomorrow.

I found that the New Relic MySQL Monitoring was throwing the following error.

[2013-08-08 03:53:33 +0000] com.newrelic.plugins.mysql.MySQL | SEVERE | An SQL error occured running 'SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS' Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation

Simple fix, the user I am gathering metrics requires the PROCESS privilege. Again simple enough.

mysql> grant PROCESS on xxx.* to xxx@'10.%';
ERROR 1221 (HY000): Incorrect usage of DB GRANT and GLOBAL PRIVILEGES
mysql> grant PROCESS on *.* to xxx@'10.%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

As you can see I got an error for a global privilege, again trivial, easy fix to correct syntax. However, it …

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DP#8 The disadvantages of row at a time processing

It can be hard for software engineers to understand the following principle, however it is very important for improving performance and obtaining immediate scalability options. The principle is “Do Less Work”. That is, run less SQL statements.

Just one method to achieving the execution of less SQL statements is to eliminate Row At a Time (RAT) processing. In simple terms, do not perform identical repeating SQL statements in a loop. Relational algebra, and the Structure Query Language (SQL) specification is specifically designed to work with sets of data, or as I describe, Chunk At a Time (CAT) processing.

Customer Example

Your online social media website lets you send messages to multiple friends at one time. You enter the message, select the friends you want to receive the message and click send. While the user waits a moment and gets a success message, behind the scenes the application runs the …

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