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Displaying posts with tag: Oracle 11g (reset)
Verifying a Socket w/Perl

Using a lowercase hostname is typical but I got sloppy on a Windows 7 installation, after all Windows is case insensitive, and I used a mixed case hostname. It raised an interesting error when installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2.

Enterprise manager configuration failed due to the following error -

Failed to allocate port(s) in the specified range(s) for the following process(es): JMS
[5540-5559], RMI [5520-5539], Database Control [5500-5519], EM Agent [3938] | [1830-1849]

Refer to the log file at C:\app\McLaughlinM\cfgtoollogs\dbca\orcl\emConfig.log for more details.

You can retry configuring this database with Enterprise Manager later by manually running C:\app\McLaughlinM\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\emca script.

After verifying the ports …

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Oracle and Java Tutorial

I’m posting this because of a question raised against this older post on how to configure the %CLASSPATH% to find the ojdbc6.jar file. This is the lab file I use in my Database 1 class to expose students to the moving parts of writing Java programs against the Oracle database. That’s why I choose to use a CLOB data type, which requires Oracle’s DBMS_LOB package and wrapping stored procedures.

If you want the same content for MySQL, here’s the link. The full program in either blog entry is available by clicking on the fold/unfold Java Source Code Program widget at the bottom of the respective posts.

This demonstrates how to create an Java infrastructure for reading …

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Free Oracle PHP Book

Six years ago, I wrote Oracle Database 10g Express Edition PHP Web Programming for the release of the express edition. It was a lot of fun to write because I enjoy the PHP programming language, but unfortunately sales didn’t measure up too well. That’s probably because the population of PHP developers working with Oracle was small.

Today it seems there are more PHP developers working with Oracle 11g. While the population of PHP community for Oracle 11g is still smaller than for MySQL, it continues to grow year-over-year.


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Derived Table Aliases

In my database class, students write solutions as group exercises against the Oracle 11g XE database and then they port the solution individually to the MySQL 5.5 database. One of the students copied over a query like the one below to MySQL (a query used to track the expected number of row returns).

         ,        kki.kingdom_name
         ,        kki.population
         FROM     kingdom_knight_import kki LEFT JOIN kingdom k
         ON       kki.kingdom_name = k.kingdom_name
         AND      kki.population = k.population);

It got an error they didn’t understand:

ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived TABLE must have its own alias

Providing a dt query alias fixes the problem in MySQL for the following query. The fact that it was just an alias was a revelation to the student. That’s because Oracle databases don’t require aliases …

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Single Wildcard Operator

Somebody wanted to understand why you can backquote a single wildcard operator (that’s the underscore _ character) in MySQL, but can’t in Oracle. The answer is you can in Oracle when you know that you required an additional clause.

While I prefer using regular expression resolution, the LIKE operator is convenient. Here’s an example of backquoting an underscore in MySQL, where it looks for any string with an underscore anywhere in the string:

SELECT   common_lookup_type
FROM     common_lookup
WHERE    common_lookup_type LIKE '%\_%';

You can gain the same behavior in Oracle by appending the ESCAPE '\' clause, like this:

SELECT   common_lookup_type
FROM     common_lookup
WHERE    common_lookup_type LIKE '%\_%' ESCAPE '\';

The ESCAPE '\' clause is one of those Oracle details that often gets lost. It only works when the SQL*Plus ESCAPE

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Result Cache Functions

I finally got around to cleaning up old contact me messages. One of the messages raises a question about RESULT_CACHE functions. The writer wanted an example implementing both a standalone schema and package RESULT_CACHE function.

The question references a note from the Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming book (on page 322). More or less, that note points out that at the time of writing a RESULT_CACHE function worked as a standalone function but failed inside a package. When you tried it, you raised the following error message:

PLS-00999: Implementation Restriction (may be temporary)

It’s no longer true in Oracle 11gR2, but it was true in Oracle 11gR1. I actually mentioned in a …

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Oracle Within Group

Somebody asked me for a useful example of Oracle 11gR2′s new analytical LISTAGG function that uses a WITHIN GROUP syntax. They’d noticed an update to the askTom that showed how to use it. This post shows how to list values without a displayed aggregation column and how to use a JOIN and GROUP BY clause with the new analytical feature.

COLUMN list      FORMAT A10
COLUMN last_name FORMAT A10
COLUMN names     FORMAT A42
COLUMN members   FORMAT 9,990
SELECT   m.account_number AS account
,        c.last_name AS last_name
,        LISTAGG(c.first_name||DECODE(c.middle_name,NULL,NULL,' '||SUBSTR(c.middle_name,1,1)||'.'),', ')
           WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY 2) AS names
,        COUNT(*) AS members
FROM     contact c INNER JOIN member m …
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Oracle CSV Imports

The first step in creating an effective import plan for comma-separated value (CSV) files is recognizing your options in a database. There are several options in an Oracle database. You can read the file with Java, C/C++, C#, PL/SQL (through the UTL_FILE package), PHP, Perl, or any other C-callable programming language; or you can use SQL*Loader as a standalone utility or through externally managed tables (known as external tables). The most convenient and non-programming solution is using external tables.

Adopting external tables as your import solution should drive you to consider how to manage the security surrounding this type of methodology. Host hardening is a critical security step because it shuts down most, hopefully all, unauthorized use of the operating system where the database and external files reside. Next, you need to manage the access to the external tables and ensure that exposure of business sensitive information …

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How to use object types?

A tale of Oracle SQL object types, their constructors, and how you use them. This demonstrates what you can and can’t do and gives brief explanations about why.

The following creates a base SAMPLE_OBJECT data type and a sample_table
collection of the base SAMPLE_OBJECT data type.

(id       NUMBER
,name     VARCHAR2(30));
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sample_table IS TABLE OF sample_object;

If the base SAMPLE_OBJECT data type were a Java object, the default constructor of an empty call parameter list would allow you to construct an instance variable. This doesn’t work for an Oracle object type because the default constructor is a formal parameter list of the object attributes in the positional order of their appearance in the declaration statement.

The test case on this concept is:

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Book Review: OCA Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I: A real-world Certification Guide

Good books on databases are rare. So permit me to step out of my normal MySQL-centric role and review a new book that is very good and covers a lot of generic relational database territory while also teaching the basics of Oracle 11g. I would estimate that 10% of the book is 11g and the rest would be valuable to new DBAs of other database systems. Besides, seeing how other databases perform some tasks differently may spur you to improve your own.

OCA Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I: A real-world Certification Guide
Author: Steve Reis

Database books are hard to write. Databases are not warm, easy to understand and the many concepts can require a student on the subject to concentrate on many obtuse factors all at one time. Presenting the material in a clear and concise fashion can be hard. Providing examples that show the various concepts without being silly or obtuse is harder. And keeping the book readable …

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