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mixiのアプリの設計がよく分かるブログ - スマートフォン開発研修教材の補足

こんにちは。Android の横幕です。Android が好きすぎて、来る日も来る日もアプリの実装が頭から離れず、毎日7〜8時間ほど睡眠をとっていますが全く疲れがとれた気がしない今日このごろです。はやく iOS のアプリ開発を覚えたいですが、まだ NSLog の使い方を覚えたばかりです。

さて、先日スマートフォン開発研修教材の公開についてでも触れましたが、Android・iOS のアプリ開発を始める人向けのトレーニング資料を公開しましたところ、以下のブログのような反響をいただきましたので、この場でもって回答をさせていただきたいと思います。


mixiのアプリの設計がよく分かるブログ - スマートフォン開発研修教材の補足

こんにちは。Android の横幕です。Android が好きすぎて、来る日も来る日もアプリの実装が頭から離れず、毎日7〜8時間ほど睡眠をとっていますが全く疲れがとれた気がしない今日このごろです。はやく iOS のアプリ開発を覚えたいですが、まだ NSLog の使い方を覚えたばかりです。

さて、先日スマートフォン開発研修教材の公開についてでも触れましたが、Android・iOS のアプリ開発を始める人向けのトレーニング資料を公開しましたところ、以下のブログのような反響をいただきましたので、この場でもって回答をさせていただきたいと思います。


Capture data as a service (linkedin databus)


 The Databus architecture is split into four logical components.

  • a fetcher which extracts changes from the data source or another Databus component,
  • a log store which caches this change stream,
  • a snapshot store which stores a moving snapshot of the stream, and
  • a subscription client which pulls change events seamlessly across the various components and surfaces them   up to the application.

2.Oracle Adapter

  A simple approach to get the change log from Oracle is to have a timestamp …

How Twitter Stores 250 Million Tweets a Day Using MySQL

Twitter's new tweet store:

When you tweet it's stored in an internal system called T-bird, which is built on top of Gizzard. Secondary indexes are stored in a separate system called T-flock, which is also Gizzard based.

Unique IDs for each tweet are generated by Snowflake, which can be more evenly sharded across a cluster. FlockDB is used for ID to ID mapping, storing the relationships between IDs (uses Gizzard).

Gizzard is Twitter's distributed data storage framework built on top of MySQL (InnoDB).

InnoDB was chosen because it doesn't corrupt data. Gizzard us just a datastore. Data is fed in and you get it back out again.

To get higher performance on individual nodes a lot of features like binary logs and replication are turned off. Gizzard handles sharding, replicating N copes of the data, and job scheduling.

Gizzard is used as a building block for other storage systems at Twitter. …



Oracle index内部原理:


Mysql index内部原理:


以下是最近论坛中关于MYSQL innodb索引的一些讨论。




Open Sharding Protocol

This week we introduced the Open Sharding Protocol (OSP), an open source protocol designed specifically for plug-compatible database drivers which support the full capabilities of database sharding. OSP is the foundation of the dbShards 3.x architecture, something I’ll be talking about a lot at the Cloud Computing Expo West, Nov. 7-10 and in the coming months as we continue to introduce leading advances in dbShards technology.

There are many approaches to database sharding, but they all agree on one principle: all modern scalable database architectures (RDBMS, NoSQL, “NewSQL”) rely on scalable, horizontal partitioning to accomplish ultra-high performance. As you probably know, we have been in the sharding game for many years, and early research we performed proved that a “share-nothing/shard-everything” architecture is unbeatable when it comes to overall performance and throughput. This is even more powerful with our Relational …




  案例一:select * from user where email like …

The Force.com Multitenant Architecture

最近为了解决一技术问题,使用了Force.com Multitenant Architecture,在此详细说明下Force.com 的架构,具体的白皮书可以从下面的URL获取:(http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Multi_Tenant_Architecture)。
Force.com Multitenant 架构的最大亮点在于,将数据索引化,一个存储数据的表,一个用于索引数据的表,再加上一系列存储元数据的表;每次的业务数据的查询首先查找元数据表,然后再改写成具体的查询语句到具体的数据表和索引中进行联合查询,这样SQL语句的执行计划固定,它一定是一个数据表加上一个索引表的join操作,非常适合于OLTP系统,具体的表ER图如下:

Oracle10.2.0.4 replicate to mysql5.1

I want to realize the oracle replicate to mysql,oracle as a master DB which provide write and mysql as a slave which provide read,how to realize it?

First, we install the oracle database gateway(11g,DG4ODBC) on oracle DB server,we can download from oracle company and get the install document from oracle metalink;

Second,we install unixodbc and mysqlodbc on the oracle DB server.
Thirdly,we configure the ODBC and DG4ODBC.

thirdly, we create trrigers on all tables and create a table to save the replication data.

the trigger code example as following:

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tr_repl_test_repl_mysql
   ON test_repl_mysql
   v_errm              VARCHAR2 …

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