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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL CGE (reset)
Migrating/importing NDB to Cluster Manager w/ version upgrade.

I’ve had some questions from people using MySQL Cluster GPL and wanting to move to using MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition, i.e., they want to use MySQL Cluster Manager, MCM, to make their lives much easier, in particular, upgrading (as well as config change ease and backup history).

All I want to do here is to share with you my personal experience on migrating what’s considered a ‘wild’ NDB Cluster to a MCM managed cluster. It’s just as simple to follow the manual chapter Importing a Cluster into MySQL Cluster Manager so at least you can see how I did it, and it might help someone.

[ If you’re not migrating but just looking for further information on NDB Cluster, and came across this post, please please PLEASE look at the …

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NDB 7.4 & SYS schema: When getting locks, detecting the guilty SQL &

Here’s a way to detect the sql query causing a lock or a session to fail, and also to identify the if need be (btw, no rocket science). “a” way.. I’m sure there are many others, so feel free to suggest, please.

So, we’re using MCM, and have created a MySQL Cluster like mentioned in the cluster intro session (in Spanish I’m afraid), using 7.4.6, which comes with 5.6.24.

With the env up and running, set up a schema, some data and run a few queries:

mysql> create database world;
mysql> use world;
Database changed
mysql> source world_ndb.sql

(world_ndb.sql, as you might guess, is the world_innodb tables script, with a little adjustment as to which storage engine to be used.)

Once created, let’s lock things up in Cluster:

mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P3306
mysql> use test; …
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MySQL Cluster: Una introducción en Español.

MySQL Cluster: El ‘qué’ y el ‘cómo’.

Para aquellos que encuentran mucho sobre MySQL en Inglés pero poco en Español: mi pequeña aportación.
En el enlace tenéis información sobre qué es MySQL Cluster y cómo funciona. Incluso con ejemplos técnicos para romper las barreras y ayudar a simplificarlo (espero).

¡A disfrutar!

Download, install, configure, run and test MySQL Cluster in under 15 minutes

Single host Cluster

A series of quick-start guides are now available to get you up and running with MySQL Cluster in as little time as possible; they are available for LINUX/Mac OS X, Windows and Solaris. The configuration is intentionally a simple one – 2 data nodes, 1 management node and 1 MySQL Server. Once you have this up and running, your next experiment may be to extend this over multiple hosts.

Download the Quick Start Guide for your platform below:

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