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Displaying posts with tag: baag (reset)
sort_buffer_size and Knowing Why

In How to tune MySQL’s sort_buffer_size, Baron gives a condescending viewpoint on how to tune the sort_buffer_size variable in MySQL. In a much-nicer-nutshell, his advice is “do not change sort_buffer_size from the default.”

Baron did not explain the logic behind his reasoning, he handwaves that “people utterly ruin their server performance and stability with it,” but does not explain how changing the sort_buffer_size kills performance and stability. Regardless of how respected and knowledgeable the source, NEVER take any advice that tells you what to do or how to do it without understanding WHY.

This article will explain the “why” of Baron’s point, and it will also talk more about understanding why, an integral part against the “Battle against any guess.” Baron’s recommendation to leave …

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Hotsos Symposium 2010 — Battle Against Any Guess Is Won

Video fragments of my session posted at the end — read on.

I arrived at Omni Mandalay Hotel on Sunday evening with Dan Norris. I was flying through Chicago and it turned out that Dan was on the same flight and only few rows behind me. Small world.

Preparations for the conference were very chaotic on my part and, of course, I didn’t have either of my presentations ready. I was very stressed and getting sick as well — it looked like a complete disaster waiting to happen. I’d like to say that I was feeling like Doug Burns as he often managed to get sick just before a conference. Of course, I worked on my slides for the last few days as well as on the flight and presentation was slowly getting there but boy was …

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