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Displaying posts with tag: max_user_connections (reset)
Prevent MySQL downtime: Set max_user_connections

One of the common causes of downtime with MySQL is running out of connections. Have you ever seen this error? “ERROR 1040 (00000): Too many connections.” If you’re working with MySQL long enough you surely have. This is quite a nasty error as it might cause complete downtime… transient errors with successful transactions mixed with failing ones as well as only some processes stopping to run properly causing various kinds of effects if not monitored properly.

There are number of causes for running out of connections, the most common ones involving when the Web/App server is creating unexpectedly large numbers of connections due to a miss-configuration or some script/application leaking connections or creating too many connections in error.

The solution I see some people employ is just to increase max_connections to some very high number so MySQL “never” runs out of connections. This however can cause …

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Monitoring MySQL resource limits

I have for the first time seen a client implement MySQL Resource Limits. I got the following error tying to connect to the database.

$ mysql -udba -p
ERROR 1226 (42000): User 'dba' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10)

I see from the documentation the ability to see the limits in the mysql.user table. I see this is included in the SHOW GRANTS output.

SHOW GRANTS for 'dba'@'%';
| Grants for dba@%                                                                                                                         |
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