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Displaying posts with tag: synchronous (reset)
MySQL Semi-Synchronous Replication. See the Magic. Try the Magic.

Overview MySQL Replication is one of the most used and valued features of the MySQL Server. Unlike some other products on the market, it’s out-of-the-box, easy to configure, non-paid and smart features. Most of our medium/large/super-large installation base are using replication to achieve “scale-out” scaling. Some will use it for backup purposes (not as HA [...]

Observations on key-value databases

Key-value databases are catching fire these days. Memcached, Redis, Cassandra, Keyspace, Tokyo Tyrant, and a handful of others are surging in popularity, judging by the contents of my feed reader.

I find a number of things interesting about these tools.

  • There are many more of them than open-source traditional relational databases. (edit: I mean that there are many options that all seem similar to each other, instead of 3 or 4 standing out as the giants.)
  • It seems that a lot of people are simultaneously inventing solutions to their problems in private without being aware of each other, then open-sourcing the results. That points to a sudden sea change in architectures. Tipping points tend to be abrupt, which would explain isolated redundant development.
  • Many of the products are feature-rich with things programmers need: diverse language bindings, APIs, embeddability, and the ability to speak familiar …
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