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Displaying posts with tag: mysql stored procedure (reset)
Quickly Debugging Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, and Events with RESIGNAL

I was recently debugging a stored procedure and could not easily identify the underlying reason for why it was failing.

It had a standard exit handler catch-all for SQLEXCEPTION, which was:


When there was an error, it didn't really output anything useful.

As of MySQL 5.5, there is RESIGNAL:

"RESIGNAL passes on the error condition information that is available during execution of a condition handler within a compound statement inside a stored procedure or function, trigger, or event."

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Quickly Debugging Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, and Events with RESIGNAL

I was recently debugging a stored procedure and could not easily identify the underlying reason for why it was failing.

It had a standard exit handler catch-all for SQLEXCEPTION, which was:


When there was an error, it didn’t really output anything useful.

As of MySQL 5.5, there is RESIGNAL:

“RESIGNAL passes on the error condition information that is available during execution of a condition handler within a compound statement inside a stored procedure or function, trigger, or event.”

There is also some good information about it here as well:

It is very simple to use, …

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Access Control in MySQL Stored Routines: DEFINER, INVOKER & SQL SECURITY

MySQL Stored Routines (functions and procedures) are not only used for improving performance but also they’re handy when it comes to enhancing security and restricting user access. This post briefs…

The post Access Control in MySQL Stored Routines: DEFINER, INVOKER & SQL SECURITY first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Using MySQL Stored Procedure To Create Sample Data

MySQL stored procedures are programs that are stored and can be executed on the MySQL server. Using MySQL Stored Procedure you can solve mysql related problem or task easily. Here I’m describing a stored procedure that I used to create some sample data. Read Full Article

Using MySQL Stored Procedure to create sample data

MySQL stored procedures are programs that are stored and can be executed on the MySQL server. You can call stored procedure from any application over a distributed network. Stored procedures provide a means of interacting in a prescribed way with the database without placing any additional traffic on the network. Here I’m describing a stored procedure that I used to create some sample data.

To learn more about stored procedure checkout this link.

Suppose you may need to create a large number of dataset for a table and your table structure looks like this

  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `word` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `mean` varchar(300) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Now you’ve to add 110000 dummy data to this table. You can dump some dummy data to the table …

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MySQL processlist – (show/kill processes)

It”s not the most common task in the world, but you might want to view processes from a particular user and once in a while you might even need to kill processes from a single user, be it during an attack or because you simply got a bug in an application bombarding your db server with connections!

Here is a small stored procedure which does exactly that!

call process_list("show","username","hostname");

– shows all processes owned by username@hostname

call process_list("kill","username","hostname");

– kills all processes owned by username@hostname

The code for this stored procedure can be found below. If you have any comments / suggestions feel free to comment below.

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