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Displaying posts with tag: kimball group (reset)
Free Kimball Group Data Warehousing Educational Webinar

We’re sponsoring an important webinar series along with Sun/MySQL starting this week on June 25th – The Kimball Group Data Warehousing Educational Webinar Series.  This webinar series will introduce the audience to data warehousing concepts and best practices, and will cover the history and evolution of data warehousing, provide an overview of dimensional modeling, and review the full life cycle of designing and implementing a data warehouse.  Part 1, on June 25th at 1:00P PDT, is on Data Warehousing Fundamentals.

There are two key reasons why we think this webinar series is important:

  • First, we believe this webinar further advances data warehousing in the MySQL world. There is a whole new generation of database developers in the MySQL community that are at various stages of understanding data warehousing – …
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Free Kimball Group Data Warehousing Educational Webinar

We're sponsoring an important webinar series along with Sun/MySQL starting this week on June 25th - The Kimball Group Data Warehousing Educational Webinar Series.  This webinar series will introduce the audience to data warehousing concepts and best practices, and will cover the history and evolution of data warehousing, provide an overview of dimensional modeling, and review the full life cycle of designing and implementing a data warehouse.  Part 1, on June 25th at 1:00P PDT, is on Data Warehousing Fundamentals.

There are two key reasons why we think this webinar series is important:

  • First, we believe this webinar further advances data warehousing in the MySQL world. There is a whole new generation of database developers in the MySQL community that are at various stages of understanding data warehousing - what it …
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