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Displaying posts with tag: rcs (reset)
MySQL-Sandbox 3.1.01 - First release after the change

I have released MySQL-Sandbox 3.1.01, which is the first release after the move to GitHub. While the changes are not so spectacular (it's a minor release, with mostly bug fixes), I am pleased to see that the move has started producing collaboration. Two of the changes were provided by Daniël van Eeden and Mark Leith, who have scratched some of their own itches by providing useful patches.

All in all, this period of working with GitHub has been liberating. Although Bazaar plays with the same principles of git, it lacks most of the tools and the know-how which characterizes git. Add to this that also my team has moved Tungsten Replicator …

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MySQL opens to Bazaar

Today MySQL announced that it has switched from its previous RCS to Bazaar with its web associated Launchpad.

The move intends to facilitate contributions by the community.

There is much excitement at Canonical, the company that supports Bazaar. And if you want to see a really happy man, check Elliot …

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