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Upgrading to MySQL 8: Embrace the Challenge

Nobody likes change, especially when that change may be challenging.  When faced with a technical challenge, I try to remember this comment from Theodore Roosevelt: “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty.”  While this is a bit of an exaggeration, in this case, the main concept is still valid.  We shouldn’t shy away from an upgrade path because it may be difficult.

MySQL 8.0 is maturing and stabilizing.  There are new features (too many to list here) and performance improvements.  More and more organizations are upgrading to MySQL 8 and running it in production, which expedites the stabilization.  While there is still some significant runway on 5.7 and it is definitely stable (EOL slated for October 2023), organizations need to be preparing to make the jump if they haven’t already. 

What Changed?

So …

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