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Displaying posts with tag: partnership (reset)
Our recap of the Percona Live Conference in Austin

We were pleased to sponsor the Percona Live Conference in Austin this year: many thanks to the Percona Team for organising a smooth conference yet again!

This is the recap of our week in Texas!

At The Conference

This year’s conference was the first one not taking place in Santa Clara, CA, but rather in Austin, TX. This turned out to be a nice choice by Percona, as it meant that open source database users who may not have travelled to California in the past, were attracted to the new location; and Austin being the new hot spot for (tech) companies at the moment, a lot of “locals” seemed to have made the choice to attend the conference. It was great to meet many new faces as a result.

As Diamond Sponsors of the conference we were of course present with a booth in the exhibition hall, as well as with three talks.

And while the hotel looked slightly dystopian at night, it was in fact a nice and …

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Announcing Our New Partnership for MySQL & MariaDB Availability Solutions With Datavail

Today we’re happy to announce that we’ll be partnering with Datavail to provide solutions for continuous & highly available MySQL, Percona Server & MariaDB database operations based on Tungsten Clustering & Datavail Database Services.

Datavail is a renowned, tech-enabled data management, applications, business intelligence, and software solutions provider with a team of 700+ DBAs that look after customers’ database environments.

What are we aiming for?

Together we’re looking to continue to drive momentum in supporting rapid MySQL & MariaDB based application deployments as well as highly available and scalable database implementations for existing and future customers.

This new collaboration is …

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