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RunDeck Series 5 – Encrypt Key Files And Passwords In RunDeck

While managing multi servers in a single place, we need a secure authentication method which includes SSH Keys, Passwords and etc. RunDeck is having a great feature called Key Storage. RunDeck Key Storage is a secure and encrypted place for storing confidential contents. Its using HashiCorp Vault for this. Its already enabled by default. So …

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RunDeck Series 5 - Encrypt Key Files And Passwords In RunDeck

While managing multi servers in a single place, we need a secure authentication method which includes SSH Keys, Passwords and etc. RunDeck is having a great feature called Key Storage. RunDeck Key Storage is a secure and encrypted place for storing confidential contents. Its using HashiCorp Vault for this. Its already enabled by default. So we just upload our keys and creating encrypted passwords.

Encrypting PEM Files:

  • Click the Gear Icon and Go to Key Storage.
  • Then you can select that you want to store Key files or Password.

  • Key Type: Public Key
  • Then you can upload your Public Key file or just copy the file contents and paste it.
  • Storage path: Keys/ is the default storage location for all encrypted files. But we can make folders inside the keys/. (Eg: …
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