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Displaying posts with tag: Linux metrics (reset)
A New Dashboard to Monitor Memory Usage in the PMM plugin!

While the PMM team works hard on our PMM 2.0 release, we have been working on a few things in the background which we’d like to show off !  In particular we have developed a new dashboard that displays metrics related to memory usage on Linux systems. The dashboard leverages information collected by node_exporter. The graphs take advantage of  /proc filesystem files, specifically:

  • meminfo: Provides information about distribution and utilization of memory. This varies by architecture and compile options.
  • vmstat: Provides information about block IO and CPU activity in addition to memory.

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Modifying List of Collected Metrics on PMM Linux Exporter

Do you need to modify the metrics collected from Linux by Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)? In this blog post we will see how to enable, disable, and update collected metrics on PMM’s linux:metrics exporter. 

We will assume that the PMM client packages are installed, and they are configured already.

Using a custom list of metrics

Let’s now suppose we are not yet collecting any metrics on our desired client server, and we want to enable only the following: diskstats, meminfo, netdev and vmstat. We can use the following …

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