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Displaying posts with tag: database graphs (reset)
Great Metrics Graphs: Percona Monitoring and Management vs. gnuplot

In this blog post, we’ll checkout Percona Monitoring and Management vs. gnuplot when it comes to creating great metrics graphs. gnuplot is great, but PMM might provide graphs that are easier to read.

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is our free and open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL®, MariaDB® and MongoDB® performance, and is based on Grafana and Prometheus. It collects many kinds of metrics: OS metrics, MySQL metrics or MongoDB metrics. But there are times where you just ran a benchmark or collected your specific metrics and you want to visualize them.

For a long time, I used gnuplot for that (and I still like it). But when I was working on a recent blog post, one of my colleagues wrote me: …

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