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Displaying posts with tag: stretch (reset)
How to install MySQL Server on Debian Stretch

For the impatient:

# echo -e "deb stretch mysql-5.7\ndeb-src stretch mysql-5.7" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list
# wget -O /tmp/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql
# apt-key add /tmp/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql
# apt update
# apt install mysql-server

In the latest stable version of Debian, if you ask to install mysql-server, you now get installed mariadb automatically, with no (evident) way of installing Oracle’s MySQL. Any major version upgrade has to be done carefully (not only for MariaDB, but also for MySQL and Postgres), and I bet that a MySQL 5.5 to MariaDB 10.1 will cause a huge confusion. Not only it will fail user expectations, I think this will cause large issues now that MariaDB has chosen to become a “hard” fork, and become incompatible in many ways with MySQL. Not only the server upgrade will cause user struggle, the connector is …

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Percona XtraBackup 2.4.7-2 is Now Available

Percona announces the GA release of Percona XtraBackup 2.4.7-2 on May 29, 2017. You can download it from our download site and apt and yum repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables MySQL backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona …

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