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Displaying posts with tag: micro-stall (reset)
Inspecting MySQL micro-stalls with pt-stalk

Very often MySQL is much less stable than we realize. In this video I explain how to detect and dianose these MySQL stalls that last for 5-10 seconds or more.

The reason nobody knows about these issues is that they’re:
a) rare
b) intermittent
c) monitoring software can’t catch them

You can use pt-stalk to detect and diagnose such issues. All of the tools I have mentioned in this video are part of Percona Toolkit (no wonder they all start with PT), you can find the toolkit here:

Percona Toolkit

Here’s the main commands I have discussed in this video:

Starting pt-stalk in foreground

# pt-stalk

Starting pt-stalk in background with email notification:

# pt-stalk …
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