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Displaying posts with tag: HopsFS (reset)
NDB Cluster, the World's Fastest Key-Value Store

Using numbers produced already with MySQL Cluster 7.6.10 we have
shown that NDB Cluster is the world's fastest Key-Value store using
the Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) Workload A.

Presentation at

We reached 1.4M operations using 2 Data Nodes and 2.8M operations
using a 4 Data Node setup. All this using a standard JDBC driver.
Obviously using a specialised ClusterJ client will improve performance
further. These benchmarks was executed by Bernd Ocklin.

The benchmark was executed in the Oracle Cloud. Each Data Node used
a Bare Metal Server using DenseIO which have 52 CPU cores with
8 NVMe drives.

The MySQL Servers and Benchmark clients was executed on Bare Metal
servers with 2 MySQL Server per server (1 MySQL Server per …

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HopsFS based on MySQL Cluster 7.5 delivers a scalable HDFS

The swedish research institute, SICS, have worked hard for a few years on
developing a scalable and a highly available Hadoop implementation using
MySQL Cluster to store the metadata. In particular they have focused on the
Hadoop file system (HDFS) and the YARN. Using features of MySQL
Cluster 7.5 they were able to achieve linear scaling in number of name
nodes as well as in number of NDB data nodes to the number of nodes
available for the experiment (72 machines). Read the press release from
SICS here

The existing metadata layer of HDFS is based on a single Java server
that acts as name node in HDFS. There are implementations to ensure
that this metadata layer have HA by using a backup name node and to
use ZooKeeper for heartbeats and a number of …

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