I spent way too much time this weekend trying to get the pager stuff in Drupal working for a module I`m playing with.
I had learned a lot from the watchdog module on how paging was supposed to be working and I was trying to do the same with another database. As I got a page limited by the number of records I wanted but I couldn't find any of the fancy next, previous and page number thingies that I wanted.
The watchdog module worked for me and I started stripping the
watchdog module till I could actually replace my function with
watchdog_overview function. Even replaced the watchdog query with
my qeury.. but not such luck.. I couldn't get $output .=
theme('pager', NULL, 50, 0);
to work.
So as every open source geek does.. I started looking into the
code. pager.inc
The header told me the author.. I could mail him and wait …