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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Case Studies (reset)
Wake up European DBA, call for papers for Percona Live London 2014 is open!

Call for papers for Percona Live London 2014 is open. For the fourth consecutive year, PLUK is going to be one of the best community event in Europe.
I have the honour of being conference committee chairman and the hard task to reviewing the talks with my colleagues of the committee.

First, let me introduce the committee members:

  • Art van Scheppingen (Spil Games)
  • Nicolai Plum (
  • Luis Motta Campos (Ebay Classifieds Group)
  • Colin Charles (MariaDB)
  • David Busby (Percona)
  • Morgan Tocker (Oracle)
  • Cédric PEINTRE (Dailymotion)

Amazing, isn’t it?! I think we couldn’t have a better committee for a community event.
I’m very glad to take part in the adventure with you guys!

And if you wonder what the committee does, …

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