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Displaying posts with tag: unit testing (reset)
Unit testing in MySQL

Unit Testing in MySQL Stored procedure in MySQL are very useful in removing the database query layer from server side scripting. It is entirely possible to develop and maintain the database layer separately from the server side code. To complete this seperation Unit Testing directly in stored procedures makes just sense. The test database The [...]

Apsersa’s summary tool supports Adaptec and MegaRAID controllers

I spent a little time yesterday doing some things with the “summary” tool from Aspersa. I added support for summarizing status and configuration of Adaptec and LSI MegaRAID controllers. I also figured out how to write a test suite for Bash scripts, so most major parts of the tool are fully tested now. I learned a lot more sed and awk this weekend.

There is really only one way to get status of Adaptec controllers (/usr/StorMan/arcconf), but the LSI controllers can be queried through multiple tools. I added support for MegaCli64, as long as it’s located in the usual place at /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64. I am looking for feedback and/or help on supporting other methods of getting status from the LSI controllers, such as megarc and omreport. If you can contribute sample output from these tools, please attach them as a file to a new issue report on the project’s issue …

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How to unit-test code that interacts with a database

I got some interesting comments on my previous article about unit testing Maatkit, including echoes of my own conversion to the unit-testing religion. One of the objections I’ve heard a lot about unit-testing is how it’s impossible to test code that talks to a database. “It’s too hard,” they say. “Oh, it’s easy to test a module that calculates a square root, but a database? Way too much work!”

Note: As commenters have pointed out, I’m not necessarily using “unit” in the agreed-upon way here. Everything I say can be applied to ultra-pure unit testing too, but I go beyond that. I will hold fast to my assertions about mocking though *grin*

Is it really impossible or even hard?

I disagree. In one of my previous articles I said …

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Growth limits of open-source vis-a-vis MySQL Toolkit

Si Chen wrote recently about the growth limits of open-source projects. He points out that as a project becomes larger, it gets harder to maintain. I can only agree. As the MySQL Toolkit project has grown, it's become significantly more work to maintain, document, and enhance.

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