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Displaying posts with tag: clock (reset)
More Cores or Higher Clock Speed?

This is a little quiz (could be a discussion). I know what we tend to prefer (and why), but we’re interested in hearing additional and other opinions!

Given the way MySQL/MariaDB is architected, what would you prefer to see in a new server, more cores or higher clock speed? (presuming other factors such as CPU caches and memory access speed are identical).

For example, you might have a choice between

  • 2x 2.4GHz 6 core, or
  • 2x 3.0GHz 4 core

which option would you pick for a (dedicated) MySQL/MariaDB server, and why?

And, do you regard the “total speed” (N cores * GHz) as relevant in the decision process? If so, when and to what degree?

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